The Experiments with my protege to add insight to graphic design material with my student,

in #science7 years ago

Create color experiments with my protege to add insight to graphic design material with my student,,

These three colors are finally referred to as primary colors which are then used in the world of fine arts.
The result of a mixture of primary colors will produce a secondary color. Mixing between red and yellow is orange, yellow with blue then the result is green, and blue with red will produce purple color.
The colors orange, green and purple are called secondary colors. Furthermore, if the secondary color is mixed with the primary colors then the resulting color is tertiary color.

In this experiment I will combine the three colors of a child's drink.
As for the drinks I use is

  1. The first drink is a jasjus for yellow
  2. drink frenta for color blue and
  3. drink frenta for color red

In this color experiment process there are several steps that must be done to realize different colors different ,,, well ,, my students ask ,, what can ?? ... I answered Can.

The first step is to dissolve the drink with water in three places, then separate the color that has been dissolved each into 2 forgings ,, ie yellow two places, red two places and blue two places.

After the process of color mixing dpat mengahasilkan variations of various colors, after the new mixing process is my students understand how to create colors for graphics that will be used to color their design results are designed from their creative work each.

And this is the end result of this three-color merger so it becomes a very unique color here is the result ..

Hope you are entertained ,,,


Pada suatu hari sang Raja Hutan “Singa” ditembak oleh seorang pemburu, penghuni hutan rimba jadi gelisah. Mereka tidak mempunyai Raja lagi. Selang beberapa lama seluruh penghuni hutan rimba berkumpul untuk memilih Raja yang baru.

Pertama yang dicalonkan adalah Macan Tutul, tetapi macan tutul menolak.
“Jangan, melihat manusia saja aku sudah lari tunggang langgang,” ujarnya.
“Kalau gitu Badak saja, kau kan amat kuat,” kata binatang lain.
“Tidak-tidak, penglihatanku kurang baik, aku telah menabrak pohon berkali-kali.” ujar sang Badak.
“Oh, mungkin Gajah saja yang jadi Raja, badan kau kan besar..”, ujar binatang-binatang lain.
“Aku tidak bisa berkelahi dan gerakanku amat lambat,” sahut gajah.


Thank for you comment.. But... Sorry you

Nice post @Mawardi

Thank you @rinaldi ..have a nice day..

Apel adalah salah satu buah yang mudah ditemui di berbagai belahan penjuru dunia. Diperkirakan ada kurang lebih tujuh ribu jenis buah apel di seluruh dunia. Meskipun bentuk, ukuran, warna, rasa, serta tekstur masing-masing jenis apel berbeda, namun pada umumnya buah ini berbentuk bulat dengan cekungan pada pangkal pucuknya. Dagingnya berwarna putih, renyah, berair dengan rasa manis atau asam, dan dilindungi oleh kulit tipis yang biasanya berwarna mengkilap. Bila dikerat, akan keluar aroma yang harum dan segar, walau ada sebagian yang beraroma tajam.

In every moment, @mawardi maybe we will never be separated from the role of an information technology. From a small example that is when you use a Mobile in terms to explore social networks. Well Mobile is one of the other types of information technology other than TV, Computers, and other electronic devices in the household.

Semangat sobat! Walaupun guru kita tidak mengingat kita, yang penting kita terus ingat pada mereka. Yang jelas mereka sudah pernah berjasa dalam hidup kita dalam memberikan dan mentranfer ilmu yang mereka miliki pada kita sebagai muridnya. Kita akan selalu mengingat mereka didalam hati sanubari kita selamanya. Terima kasih Guruku, jasamu akan kukenang selalu. Yuuk kita nyanyikan lagu Terima Kasih Guru buat para guru kita.

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