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RE: The Michelson-Morley Experiment, the Error in the Errors.

in #science8 years ago

You do not need to be very agressive against scientists that live 150 years ago and try to to the best with the means of that time... I will in contrast stay polite...

The results of the MM experiment may not be as strong as what was claimed at that time, but in the meantime (150 years of physics), many other experiments appeared and confirmed the MM null results (take the CMB as the strongst evidence).

In addition, your conclusions are totally wrong. For instance, and just to quote one single counterexample, we know the speed of light at a relative precision of 1e-17. Indeed, you may not want to look at it, but we are still trying to measure the speed of light since then.


My aim is to show that many of the things we were taught as facts in science class, are not only, not facts, but very poor theories.

In my opinion the CMB was done in a reflecting pool on a moonless, windless night.
No waves detected. (and I specifically disagree with the assumptions of the experiment, especially in light of other buried experiment results)

Einstein stated that light is the fastest speed in the universe. Tesla stated that it was gravity.
Can you imagine the implications to the laws of relativity if Tesla was correct?
Sometime back in the 70s, scientists got together and decided on what the speed of light was.
If you look at the measurements before than, the speed of light was changing, but since science had accepted c as the fastest speed, then they assumed that the measurements were inaccurate.
The scientists put case closed to the speed of light. I am reopening that case.

Whatever you like it or not, CMB data is there. It is easy to focus on only a fraction of data. There are many support for special relativity, etc...

Moreover, the speed of light case is far from being closed. The last measurement is from 2009... Maybe you again only select what you want to see.

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