The life of reinforced concrete? The durability of reinforced concrete?

in #science7 years ago



Concrete is a mixture of cement components, aggregates, water and sometimes other adjuvants giving a liquid-phase mix hardens over time and becomes solid characterized by its ability to withstand the enormous compressive forces of the order of 800 to 1000 bar.
After water, concrete is the most used material in the world.
this extraordinary waste, must be well studied in order to understand it well and in order to see in this publication see the factors play a very important role in the lifetime of the concrete.
for the other elements of the concrete aggregates of different sizes sand (0 / 3mm) aggregates (3/8) mm and granulas (8 / 15mm) and can be other dimensions higher according to the recommended concrete.
More steel, which is a known material designed to help concrete resisted pulling efforts.
Durability and duration of use of the works:

The durability of a structure characterizes its ability to maintain the use functions for which it was designed and to maintain its level of reliability and aesthetic appearance in its environment.
It depends on many parameters including the quality of its design, the quality of materials used, the quality of the construction and construction of the structure.
The phenomena influencing the durability of reinforced concrete:

Under normal conditions, reinforcement coated with a compact, uncracked concrete is naturally protected from the risk of corrosion by a passivation phenomenon which results from the creation, the surface of the steel, of a protective film Fe2O3CaO (called passivation).
This film formed by the action of lime released by calcium silicates on iron oxide. The presence of lime maintains the basicity of the medium surrounding the reinforcements (the hydration of the cement produces a basic interstitial solution of high PH of the order of (12 to 13).
Reinforcements are protected as long as they are in an environment with a PH between 9 and 13.5.
the main phenomena can destroy this protection and initiate the corrosion of steel reinforcement:
The carbonation of the coating concrete by the adsorption of the carbon dioxide contained in the atmosphere.
The penetration of chloride ions up to the level of reinforcement.


NB: the texts were written by me.
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