Meditation: you must be sure of God's love for you.

in #sc-v5 years ago


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Romans 8: 38-39, Paul writes:

Therefore, I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor the present, nor the future, nor the high, nor the deep, nor any other created thing can be separated from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

The best way to trust someone is to know that someone loves us. God is a being overflowing with love. God first showed his love for us, so that we would understand that there is someone special who loves us and cares for us. God made a bridge between Him and us to unite in a perfect bond of love. That bridge that unites us with God is Christ Jesus. Through Christ, God shows us his love. This fills us with confidence and total confidence that we are loved by God.

To grow in the Lord and be changed by Him, we need to trust God. God has excellent plans for us, although there are many occasions when we do not understand what God wants to do with each one.

If someone went through strong, hard and painful circumstances, but they were in God's plans for their life, it was the apostle Paul.
In many situations in which Paul lived, he did not understand why God was going through that process, however, those difficult situations were not reasons for Paul to renounce to preach the gospel. If Paul was convinced of something, it was of God's love, then he said:

I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor the present, nor the future, nor the high, nor the deep, nor any other created thing can separate us Of the love of God. , which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8: 38-39).

Paul had full assurance and was convinced that nothing could separate him from the love of God in Jesus Christ.
Both you and I, reader friend, need to develop this trust and super confidence about God's eternal love for us.

When each of us accepts God's love for himself, then he is ready to develop the foundations of love and self-acceptance.

This is the starting point to be able to love your neighbor as yourself. First have the assurance of God's love for you, and then the confidence of his love for others.

In the process of God's love for you, it can happen that it happens in the way that you do not understand it, that way it can represent several dangers such as those mentioned by Paul, however, the security you have of God's love in your life it is what will determine the decision to remain in the Lord, even if he is going through difficult times.

Do not forget that you must be sure of God's love for you.


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