We need God's strength

in #sc-v5 years ago

Psalm 73:26 New International Version (NIV)
26 My flesh and my heart faint;
But the rock of my heart and my portion is God forever.

This Psalm of David is a sign of the need that man has of God, it is no coincidence that David lived very difficult times like the ones we currently live each of us.

In this order of ideas it is interesting to start our day in prayer and praise to the eternal God. It is obvious that David was living in times of great tribulations in the society where he lived, for there was much injustice and worldly disorder among the wicked.

Faced with this situation, the psalmist was faint, but there was a great hope in the midst of adversity and that is that David had all his hopes set in the God of his salvation "Jehovah of the armies." He exclaims my flesh is hurt and tends to faint but in you my God who you are my rock, the rock of my heart and my portion forever in you I will trust.

It is inevitable not to go through situations similar to that of the psalmist, but the important thing about this is our attitude towards situations. David made the best decision to trust God and put everything on what he considered to be his rock and his portion.

We must also take the attitude of David, trust in God in the midst of conflicts and rest on his promises. God is the same as yesterday and forever. He keeps doing miracles, heals, keeps restoring and our biggest portion.

Let us be like that man who built his house on the rock, we need to build on that immovable rock that is our beloved Jesus Christ.


God is our source but we are connected to him, we can do nothing, most of the time we do things in our own strength, so we get tired and weary, he multiplies the forces of those who have none.


@elion, we all need God's strength to continue and rest on his promises. Nice reflection
Thanks for sharing.

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