
in #sc-g5 years ago

Jeremiah 18:2, God said to Jeremiah, "Arise and go down to the potter's house, and there i will cause thee to hear my words. Genesis 12:1, 12:4; And the Lord spoke to Abram saying, "Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land i will show you. So Abram went as the Lord has asked him to and Lot went with him. He was seventy-five years old when he set out from Harran.


Obedience is very important to God, when we obey him it portrays our trust in him and our amenable to doing his bidding as sons and daughters of God. In our contemporary society however before we would obey we want to have all the information at hand because we do not trust anymore. Had a 21st Century Christian been asked to live his household and go somewhere he does not know so he will be blessed, he surely would have asked lots of questions like how long it would take, where exactly he is going, why can't he be blessed right where he or she is. But God knows better, he is the Alpha and Omega and we cannot never fully comprehend him and he is beyond man's comprehension.


We need not only obey as Christians but also follow the directives of God fervently and effectively without asking lots of questions and doubting our maker. It does not sound easy and yes indeed it is not easy but it is possible once you set your mind to it and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit you should be able to make it. May the good Lord grant us the strength and wisdom to be able to abide by his words. Have a fruitful day.



The way for a man to salvation is to obey his word and commandments. Good to share with us.


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