#runeveryday: Fartlek is the way

in #running7 years ago

Yes friends! If you want to start getting some improvements in running, after reaching a consistent and regular volume of kilometers a week, there is nothing better than a Fartlek Running Workout.
And, WTF is a Fartlek?
“Fartlek” is the Swedish word for speedplay. Instead of the more traditional speed workouts, where you are running a set number of intervals and aiming for a specific pace or interval time, fartleks are less structured as you pace your run based on effort and your intervals are not as specific as in typical intervals.
There are many types of Fartleks, you can investigate just by entering the word in google.
I used to do a Fartlek workout very frequently but more often during post-pre competitive seasons, and also when you want to try running faster without putting your body in a very hard situation.

Before starting with intervals and repetitions workout and, specially when you are returning from a rest or an injure time, FARTLEK IS THE WAY!!!

What I did today is what is known as a Piramidal Fartlek.
It consists on Fast Intervals of a determinate time combined with Slower Intervals of the same time. It is called Piramidal (at least in my country), because after completing the two sets of Fast and slow intervals you start with another set longer and another, and another (up to you till which duration) and, when you reach the longest, you start to do the opposite way, so decreasing the sets of intervals every time...
As usual, before doing any workout, a good warm-up is needed. Personally I used to do some exercise of movility and then I star to run slowly, using a speed pace between 6' and 5'30"/km works for me, at least during 10 minutes (if it is 20' much better then).

So, today, after warming-up, I did 1'-1'-2'-2'-3'-3'-2'-2'-1'-1. It has to be done without stopping, the slow interval is your "rest" (LoL!!!)
The 1'-2'-3'-2'-1' Fast Intervals where really fast, better than expected I would say since my "Groan Pain" is still there, 3'40" - 3'32" - 3'39" -3'26" and 3'22"/km respectively, while the 1'-2'-3'-2'-1' Slow Intervals were run in a speed pace between 5'30"/km and 4'55"/km. Not bad at all , isn't it?
In total 7Km, from which 2.6 Km have been really a Quality Run distance.
Below the chart:
Captura de pantalla de 2017-07-20 21-23-59.png

Hope you enjoy the Post!

Greetings from Barcelona and... Keep on running friends!


Fartlek is pure running joy

Indeed! Thanks for commenting!

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