Countdown to my first marathon - 34 days to go - [46/50 #fiftyrunstillmay]

in #running7 years ago

Bloody English Weather

Today was supposed to be a race day. A 10km race on an old RAF airbase but with the weather in the UK taking a turn for the worse a lot of races have been postponed including the one I was doing. We don't have any snow like a lot of other places but we have gale force winds and freezing temperatures. With a windchill factor at about -9 degrees the organisers decided that conditions were just too bad for runners and marshalls so have postponed it till a later date. Annoyingly for me I probably won't be able to do it now as I normally work Sundays and can't keep taking days off for one off races.

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So as I'm following a training plan I still needed to go out for an hour run which is about 10km for me. Not really feeling it this morning as I was looking forward to running with lots of other people now I would have to run alone. I begrudgingly got my running clothes on and forced myself out the door. The earlier the better so I could get it out the way.

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I headed towards the countryside, as the wind was coming from the east so I definitely didn't want to go near the sea!

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I passed a lovely church.

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The start of the run wasn't too bad as the wind seemed to be behind me but that soon changed and it was very hard going and extremely cold. It was a day where you didn't care what you looked like!

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Todays run was a struggle as my muscles were achy and felt very cold from the gale force bitterly cold wind but I plodded on and managed to run just over 10k in just over an hour. I did feel good for getting out there and running.

Heres the stats from strava



Thanks for looking
Happy reading peeps🖤

Proud to be part of @runningproject and @isotonic


At least didn't rain ;-)

Nice run. It's hard getting out the door in awful weather but it's worth it

Get out there, tie your shoelaces and run!
Resteemed by @runningproject

Kind reminder:

Choose your Running Author of the Week 8!

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