The WisteriaSwap IFO opens on the 17th at 11:00 UTC. How to participate and FAQ

in #robinia3 years ago (edited)

Hello. This is Blokfield.INC.
The long-prepared IFO of WisteriaSwap starts today at 11:00 UTC.
Wisteria IFO is held on RobiniaSwap and HoneyFarm sites.
Although the progress time is different, the end time is the same, so Wisteria token "WST" starts to circulate at the same time.

RobiniaSwap UTC 11:00 – UTC 15:00
HoneyFarm UTC 13:00 – UTC 15:00
Token Price: 1 WST = $40
IFO Target Amount Total $300,000

RBS-BNB LP: 50,000$
HoneyFarm: WBNB $40,000 / BEE $7,500 / HONEY $2,500
BUSD: 200,000$

WST-BUSD LP liquidity supply will be provided at the end of the IFO, and approximately $100K~$150K worth of liquidity will be supplied when sold out. (Trade is possible immediately after IFO is closed.)

How to participate in IFO

In order to participate in IFO, you must first have a blockchain wallet (Metamask) and BNB to pay network fees in your wallet. (If you do not have BNB, you will not be able to participate because you will not be able to pay the network fee.)
The network fee is about $0.5 per case.

IFO Participating Sites
Honey Farm:

  1. Access the site for IFO after 11:00 UTC and connect your wallet.
  2. On the IFO page, press the Approve button to activate the IFO.
  3. Click the Contribute button and enter the amount of tokens you want to participate in (Confirm button)
  4. Refresh the page after UTC 15:00 when the IFO ends.
  5. When the IFO ends, 4 Claim buttons are automatically created and each button is activated.
  6. Click all 4 buttons in order to receive WST tokens.

You can participate in IFO in the above way, and you will be able to participate relatively easily.
During the IFO, all developers and team members are online, so if you have any difficulties, please ask through the channel.


Q: Is there a minimum participation amount for an IFO?
A: None. You are free to participate as much as you like.

Q: Is it displayed how much has been exceeded compared to the IFO public offering amount?
A: If more than the IFO recruitment amount is participated, how much the amount exceeded is displayed in %

Q: If the token subscription method is used, is there any benefit in how quickly it is applied?
A: There is no particular benefit. Participation at any time during the IFO period will be equally distributed according to the participation rate.

Q: Can the excess amount be refunded immediately?
A: Yes, you will get your money back immediately when making a claim after the IFO is closed.

Q: Can I participate in multiple IFO at the same time?
A: Yes, you can participate in multiple IFO at the same time. (You can participate in both Honey Farm and Rovinia Swap at the same time.)

Q: Where can I trade after the IFO closes?
A: Immediately after the end of the IFO, we will start providing liquidity, so users can trade WST tokens immediately.
WST tokens can be traded through the Pancake Swap.
Site link:

Q: Can I incur transaction fees?
A: Yes, transaction fees may apply. The transaction fee will be activated 1 hour after the end of the IFO. Therefore, you may incur a transaction fee of 0.2%.

RobiniaSwap and WisteriaSwap
Robinia Swap Official Docs:
Wisteria Swap Ofiicial Docs:
Discord Channel:
Global Telegram Channel:
Korea Telegram Channel:
Kakao Talk 1:1 Inquiry:
Business Partnership: [email protected]

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.030
BTC 65836.42
ETH 2694.41
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.87