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RE: The Seven-Day Universe - Part 2

in #religion7 years ago

Thank you so much for your lovely words and wishes @creatr! I know that what you say is true and that there are methods by which we can see for ourselves the truth of what God has created for us. My confusion stems from many years of indoctrination and not taking enough time to learn the practical things I can do to gain a better understanding of the world. But I can see the glory of God in the natural world around me so I also believe it must be so to see this when looking at the heavens above.

As John Lennon once said 'Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans!' and whilst I would like to spend more time learning about the beauty of the world around me, I have other factors in my life which restrict my ability to do so. Hope fully this will change as time progresses but my life right now is pretty hectic and my mind is much the same. :(

Your generosity in offering to send me a copy of the book is beyond kind and I thank you so much for your offer but will of course decline with a promise to get myself a copy at the earliest opportunity. I will in fact order a copy tonight on your recommendation!

Thank you again for your valuable time and heartfelt advice and support. I appreciate it very much my friend!


'Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans!'

Hahahaha, yes, I have heard that and it rings so true!

Tony, I wish you the best in your hectic life, and I pray that Jesus will refresh and clear your thoughts and give you a clear understanding of life.

And I hope for both of us that we find more slower, peaceful moments in life to appreciate the beauty and wonder all around us! :D

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