Do You Question Religion? Yes, I went there.

in #religion7 years ago

I am a great fan of Dan Brown, author of Da Vinci Code, Inferno, Angels and Demons and, most recently Origin. Not necessarily for the mastery of words, though I do find he has that, but for the questions it poses and has readers, and non-readers, asking.

As the inquisitive daughter of a minister, I had so many questions but growing up in the church as the daughter of the minister I felt it was assumed I knew what I needed to know. But I didn't, I was lost and silent - afraid to ask the questions that were haunting me.

In an interview recently on CBC Radio, Brown was asked what started this line of books and he put simply, I started learning science and asked my church leader about evolution to be told "nice boys don't ask those questions."

I fully support your religious belief, whatever that may be and love that you have that to guide you but yes, I do have questions. I'm intrigued, curious and simply want to learn. I enjoy civil debates, without calling each other insulting names or saying either is wrong - we are all right, well, mostly, in our opinions I just want to have an open discussion and not be told I'm wrong for asking.

really.. is that too much to ask?

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