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RE: Hacks To Have Success In Your Relationship

in #relationship8 years ago

Showing appreciation, affection, empathy, and knowing how to be playful and silly with each other has been incredibly valuable to my relationship. If the two of you can still tap into your inner child and let them play with each other, you're solid. :)


It's so true! I love this comment so much hehe.

you are still not answering why you feel justified to go and flag every post i ever made and then to spend the rest of the night instantly flagging anything elese i posted. all because on your post "is online dating good for scocity?" where i commeted "its sad and depressing imo" you then went to my page and flagged all my posts? why? how was your actions that made me start spamming you for answers not trolling? you took my rating down from 37 to 2. why was that ok in your eyes?

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