4 Attractive Qualities A Woman Needs

in #relationship8 years ago

Whether it is there properly shaped and voluptuous breasts, sensuous waistline or toned legs and arms. Well, it is more of lust, as it is the physical attraction towards the women. But, when we are committed in a true love relationship, there are certain characteristics or features that attracts us about women.

Soft hearted

A woman with a soft or warm heart is more likely to attract a man and make him fall in love with the lady. It is an evidentiary fact that guys want to be cared for and mothered, just like their own moms did when they were kids. A woman offering her warmth and acceptance is one of the traits that the majority of the men finds very attractive and appealing in a woman. Although Don't take this too far, A man doesn't want a ton of nagging and bossiness.


Modesty in respect to the dressing sense, communication and behavior are the aspects that men look out for in a long term relationship. Usually, girls with hot bodies and bold dressing sense are more looked upon as a lust rather than potential life partners. Men also have a very strange notion that hot women are not as reliable as modest ladies. Basically, men love those women whom they can take them to their home.


Beauty without brains is a concept of the past. Today, men give more preference to the intelligence that the physical appearance. Men find smart, opinionated and articulate women attractive and love their company. They can enjoy speaking to a lady who holds her own views and is passionate about discussing the current affairs of the day. At the end of the day, a man will always want his life partner to be someone, who belongs in the same intellectual society, and someone, who can be a bundle of knowledge for their future kids.


A woman who can laugh out at every joke that a man makes, or is herself humorous and can make others laugh, a man will be instantly attracted towards her. If you are a man making clever jokes, and the woman understands every bit of it and enjoys it with you, it is the nature of men want to know the lady even more.

These are some of the attributes that men find very attractive and appealing in a woman, whom he is viewing as his life long partner. Some men won't agree with me, but these seem quite common.


Good post as always. @nameles doesn't stop. I can imagine what you're going through. Sorry about that. Now i get why you're flagging him.

Thank you!
It's alright, He's being super annoying and I hope they will take him down soon ,You'd think trolls would have better things to do.

You'll be fine. I promise :)

you are still not answering why you feel justified to go and flag every post i ever made and then to spend the rest of the night instantly flagging anything elese i posted. all because on your post "is online dating good for scocity?" where i commeted "its sad and depressing imo" you then went to my page and flagged all my posts? why? how was your actions that made me start spamming you for answers not trolling? you took my rating down from 37 to 2. why was that ok in your eyes?

you are still not answering why you feel justified to go and flag every post i ever made and then to spend the rest of the night instantly flagging anything elese i posted. all because on you post "is online dating good for scocity?" where i commeted "its sad and depressing imo" you then went to my page and flagged all my posts? why? how was your actions that made me start spamming you for answers not trolling? you took my rating down from 37 to 2. why was that ok in your eyes? will you answer me or should i go back to spamming till you answer? im not going to stop and the posts will be up forever how you did this and wont defend your actions like a little bitch. O.o why did you do it?


i had never flagged any of her posts, i actually upvoted one of hers and was wanting to buy her coloring book. then she flagged everything i ever posted on steemit. so her flagging me now only daggs this on. she needs to speak up on why she flagged someones full post history because they have a differing opinion. she could also add in why me wanting a reaon for what she did to my account is justified in her eyes

i am doing this because she went and flagd every post i ever made and took my score from a 37 to a 2 because on her post "is online dating good for scocity" i commented "its sad and depressing to me". in return for that post she went to my page and flagged everything i made and for the rest of the night she flagged instantly anything new i posted. she will not answer me why she feels its ok to flag everything someone made because they have a differ opinion about online dating. or defend her actions on why she did it. she wont so now im doing this till she answers me and stops flagging my posts.


What about Truth and Honor? Inner strength and confidence to stand up for her opinions? These are beautiful qualities as well.

I love those ! Dang it! Why didn't I think of that LOL.

I think the list can get as long as anyone's imagination. (compassion, humility, intellect, justice, assertiveness, sarcasm, etc.)
We put some much weight towards looks, some say it is a genetic disposition, but there is so much more when you consider modern social complexities and are weighing the qualities it takes to be with someone and have a long-lasting meaningful relationship.

I agree I love this comment it's very insightful.

So then I would ask you the correlated question: what qualities make a man attractive?

you are still not answering why you feel justified to go and flag every post i ever made and then to spend the rest of the night instantly flagging anything elese i posted. all because on your post "is online dating good for scocity?" where i commeted "its sad and depressing imo" you then went to my page and flagged all my posts? why? how was your actions that made me start spamming you for answers not trolling? you took my rating down from 37 to 2. why was that ok in your eyes?


why are you downvoting anything I post? why wont you answer any of the questions I have asked on why you flagg anything I post! D:<


or having responcibilitys for ones actions. that's a nice one too.

I'm happy you're not focused on the physical attributes, like so many are... still, I find it a bit reductive to assume men or women can be categorized into personality traits like that.

You were doing it in a constructive way, though, so I think that's forgivable. I think I'm just overly sensitive about topics like this, because I don't fit into these labels most of the time.

True! Thank you. I disagree with labels to a certain degree too. But I feel like these tips can help people :)

you are still not answering why you feel justified to go and flag every post i ever made and then to spend the rest of the night instantly flagging anything elese i posted. all because on you post "is online dating good for scocity?" where i commeted "its sad and depressing imo" you then went to my page and flagged all my posts? why? how was your actions that made me start spamming you for answers not trolling? you took my rating down from 37 to 2. why was that ok in your eyes?

you are still not answering why you feel justified to go and flag every post i ever made and then to spend the rest of the night instantly flagging anything elese i posted. all because on you post "is online dating good for scocity?" where i commeted "its sad and depressing imo" you then went to my page and flagged all my posts? why? how was your actions that made me start spamming you for answers not trolling? you took my rating down from 37 to 2. why was that ok in your eyes?


why are you downvoting anything I post? why wont you answer any of the questions I have asked on why you flagg anything I post! D:<


Enjoyed the read. Very precise, i love all those things in women :-)

Thank you!!


why are you downvoting anything I post? why wont you answer any of the questions I have asked on why you flagg anything I post! D:<

I loved your article. I even featured it on my blog if your don1t mind: https://steemit.com/life/@asuran/daily-diamonds-from-authors-worth-to-learn-from-1

@mrosenquist I guess similar ones! But I'll need to make a post about this.

you are still not answering why you feel justified to go and flag every post i ever made and then to spend the rest of the night instantly flagging anything elese i posted. all because on you post "is online dating good for scocity?" where i commeted "its sad and depressing imo" you then went to my page and flagged all my posts? why? how was your actions that made me start spamming you for answers not trolling? you took my rating down from 37 to 2. why was that ok in your eyes?


I agree, and especially that men looking to settle down want a conservative lady who demonstrates she wants to care for him and his children. Men innately (instinctively) understand that without society to guide and limit a female, that females are instinctively driven to hypergamy. A beta male's evolutionary strategy is to tie down one woman to carry his genetics forward without competition for her eggs. Remember the eggs of the females are much less plentiful than the semen of the men in society.

Whereas an alphamale's optimum evolutionary strategy is to plant his seed every where and let beta males raise his offspring. The alpha male has statistically enough females willing to have sex with him, that he has a better statistical chance of having his genetics carried forward by spraying his firehouse. Beta males might dream about this, but they understand that realistically they can't impregnate enough women to statistically equal their optimum strategy of exclusivity with one female.

However, the problem for beta males now is the government has skewed the society such that females have less risk when they play the hypergamy strategy. For example, before the government started enforcing awarding much of the money to the female in divorce proceedings, women had a huge risk of ending up with nothing if they didn't do their best in the relationship. These days in the Westernized countries, the women know they can take everything and so they have all the power. This is another reasons men are losing their interest in marriage. Since betamales can't really be alpha in spite of the incentives for exclusivity being stacked against them, I think many of them had turned to porn, masturbation, and addictions. I am sort of also replying to your blog about marriage in this comment.

why are you downvoting anything I post? why wont you answer any of the questions I have asked on why you flagg anything I post! D:<

why are you downvoting anything I post? why wont you answer any of the questions I have asked on why you flagg anything I post! D:<

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