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RE: Bleah! (Ulog #28)

in #rant6 years ago

Hey, @bengy.

I started losing my hair in my 20s. It was mostly gone by my mid-30s, give or take. When I say mostly, it's gone on top, but not around the sides. Which means even though most of my head does not have hair, I still have to get what is left cut.

Enter my wife. She will go and spend $15-$25 on a haircut for her, but insists on cutting mine. She used to cut our boys hair when they were younger and didn't know better. :)

Actually, she does a good job of it. Mine's fairly simple, and I'm not really picky. As long as I don't look like Doc Brown or Einstein on a bad hair day, it's all good.

I hear you about things growing, though. I'd rather any nails I had didn't grow. Maybe you can throw that in with your own biotech suggestion and see if we can't get a twofer. :)


Oh, I wish my wife would do mine but she doesn't do it. She tried a couple of times (also with our girls), but wasn't happy with the result (she wasn't, I wasn't bothered!).

Maybe I should go shaved, then I could do it myself! But I think my head is weird shaped!

Ha ha, Yes nails is another pain... Fingers I do often, as a musician I need to keep them short anyway. Toes, I keep forgetting until I get holes in my socks...

Hey, @bengy.

My wife, when she cuts my hair, is always saying Oh, that's not good, or Oops! and then I look at it and can't see anything wrong. She's the one who generally the one who decides when it needs to be cut, too, so I really don't have to say anything.

So, you grow your hair to hide your weird shaped head? :) I think bald heads look weird, anyway. There are plenty of people who can pull it off, but when you're used to having hair, it can seem strange when you don't.

I'm not sure if I get to the holes in the socks stage. I usually end up poking myself, first. :)

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