History of Rachel Chandler's family, building of the Port in Long beach, Epstein Connections, Celebrity pedogate and a secret service agent

in #rachelchandler5 years ago (edited)

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This is a follow up to an article I just wrote titled,

Rachel Chandler's Background, Connections to NEXIVM, Standard Hotel, Marina Abramovich, modeling agencies, Epstein, Symbolism and Darkness


You can see her family history, people she is connected with and who she has photographed for and the modeling agencies she works with.

Besides Marina Abramovich and the Clintons as mentioned in part 1, she is also connected to people like Prince Andrew who is knows to have visited Epstein Island Several times and is good friends with Epstein.

Q drop from 2018

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You will see the story behind what led to this photo below. This is Not Rachel Chandler but rather Victoria Roberts whom Epstein molested and Epstein's girlfriend in the background, Ghislaine Maxwell, whose father was a former MP, Daily Mirror Proprietor and rumored to be a spy. His name was Robert Maxwell who drowned from his yacht prior to Ghislaine entering the scene with Epstein.

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In order to break this down, you need to get a sense of Who Epstein is.

I covered some background in part 1, so let jump to this.
Taken from Who is Jeffrey Epstein

In 1982, according to those who know Epstein, he set up his own shop, J. Epstein and Co., which remains his core business today. The premise behind it was simple: Epstein would manage the individual and family fortunes of clients with $1 billion or more. Which is where the mystery deepens. Because according to the lore, Epstein, in 1982, immediately began collecting clients. There were no road shows, no whiz-bang marketing demos — just this: Jeff Epstein was open for business for those with $1 billion–plus.

From the get-go, his business was successful. But the conditions for investing with Epstein were steep: He would take total control of the billion dollars, charge a flat fee, and assume power of attorney to do whatever he thought was necessary to advance his client’s financial cause. And he remained true to the $1 billion entry fee. According to people who know him, if you were worth $700 million and felt the need for the services of Epstein and Co., you would receive a not-so-polite no-thank-you from Epstein.

Another focus of curiosity is the relationship that Epstein has with his patron and mentor Leslie Wexner, founder and chairman of the Columbus, Ohio–based Limited chain of women’s-clothing stores. Wexner, who is said to be worth more than $2.5 billion by Forbes, became an Epstein client in 1987. “It’s a weird relationship,” says another Wall Streeter who knows Epstein. “It’s just not typical for someone of such enormous wealth to all of a sudden give his money to some guy most people have never heard of.” The Wexner-Epstein relationship is indeed a multifaceted one.

Epstein’ s current residence in Manhattan — a 45,000-square-foot eight-story mansion on East 71st Street — was originally bought by Wexner for $13 million in 1989. Wexner poured many millions into a full gut renovation, then turned it over to Epstein in 1995 after he got married. One story has Epstein paying only a dollar for it, though others say he paid full market price, which would have been in the neighborhood of $20 million. Epstein then undertook his own $10 million gut renovation (special features: closed-circuit TV and a heated sidewalk in front of the house for melting snow), saying to friends: “I don’t want to live in another person’s house.”

There are other houses as well, including a sweeping villa in Palm Beach and a custom-built 51,000-square-foot castle in Santa Fe. Said to be the largest house in the state, the latter sits atop a hill on a 45,000-acre ranch. He had it built because of the month or so he found himself spending there, talking elementary particle physics with his friend Murray Gell-Man, a Nobel Prize–winning physicist and co-chair of the science board at the Santa Fe Institute.

Enter Link to Prince Andrew,

Ghislaine Maxwell: Press baron’s daughter and Epstein’s former lover | THE GUARDIAN | MAR 6, 2011
The reappearance of Ghislaine Maxwell, socialite daughter of a disgraced former press baron, in Prince Andrew’s private life has darkened suspicions about his ability to fulfil the role of Britain’s trade ambassador.

A decade ago, the fourth in line to the throne was reported to have accompanied her to a “hookers and pimps” themed party in New York – one of series of trips that led to questions being asked about his selection for such a sensitive international position.

Ghislaine Maxwell, 49, is the youngest daughter of Robert Maxwell, the former Daily Mirror proprietor whose death exposed a financial black hole at the heart of the newspaper group – and the fact he had been using pension fund assets to support the company’s share price.

The Czech-born businessman and former MP slipped overboard from his private yacht, – named the Lady Ghislaine after his favourite daughter – off the Canary Islands in 1991.

The 68-year-old’s body was found floating in the Atlantic; the verdict was death by accidental drowning though media speculation ranged from suicide to murder. Following her father’s death, Ghislaine moved, in self-imposed exile, to the US where she joined the Manhattan party circuit and met the billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein.

She became his celebrity guest at social functions and eventually his girlfriend. Despite the relationship cooling, they remained close.

Prince Andrew was reported to have holidayed with them in Palm Beach, Florida, in 2000. Another time, Epstein and Ghislaine stayed at Sandringham as the Duke of York’s guests.

But Epstein became a source of social embarrassment for Ghislaine and the Duke of York after the financier was jailed for sex offences including soliciting teenage girls into prostitution.

Ghislaine is in the background of the recently-released picture showing Andrew in 2001 with his arm around the waist of Virginia Roberts, then 17, who claims she worked for Epstein as an erotic masseuse. Ghislaine is reported to have said she has never been contacted by any law enforcement agency in connection with any allegations against Epstein.

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Ghislaine, who turned 53 on Christmas Day, is implicated in a sex scandal that has cast her in the role of a high–class madam. In documents lodged with the US courts it is alleged that she procured girls, including Virginia Roberts, who were used as sexual playthings by the tycoon Jeffrey Epstein and his powerful friends.Those friends allegedly included our very own Prince Andrew, Duke of York, the Queen’s son, which has turned a sordid tale into something much bigger.Ghislaine was not yet 30 in November 1991 when her father’s body was found floating in the Atlantic near the Canary Islands, and it has never been satisfactorily established whether he fell, jumped or was pushed from the deck of his aforementioned yacht.

I would say if this is what getting an Expensive Education gets you, don't Do It!

An expensive education at Marlborough (Kate Middleton’s alma mater) followed by Balliol College, Oxford, indicated she was intelligent but had yet to make her mark in any discernible manner other than as an avid socialite.Gatherings around the Maxwell dinner table were rarely relaxed affairs. The conversation might be conducted in two or more languages (Betty, mother of the Maxwell brood, was French) and it could be painful. One of Ghislaine’s older sisters’ acting ambitions were cruelly mocked by Maxwell. The boys had to keep up with the topics or suffer their father’s wrath.BUT he adored and spoiled Ghislaine. He made her a director of Oxford United, the football club he owned, and bankrolled the corporate gifts company she ran.
Ghislaine's father owned the New York Daily News

When he bought the New York Daily News he appointed her to an ill–defined role with the “special projects” team. When he launched The European newspaper, Ghislaine was the business development manager.She took friends up in the Maxwell helicopter for thrilling rides and attended the most prestigious events on both sides of the Atlantic, supposedly earning herself the nickname “Good Time Ghislaine”.It was said Maxwell was exasperated by her lack of ambition but what did she have to be ambitious for when her father indulged her every whim? Perhaps, unsurprisingly, that indulgence fuelled “an unsettling degree of arrogance” according to employees at the at the Maxwell–owned Mirror Group.But when Maxwell died, Ghislaine too felt cast adrift. She was the only one of the Maxwell children who was still single. Her brothers Kevin and Ian were facing their own troubles over the millions missing from the Mirror pension fund. So Ghislaine fled to New York and, with typical Maxwell flourish, she went by Concorde. Even all those years ago the fare was £2,500.

She was soon a fixture on the glitzy New York social scene, hosting glamorous dinner parties at her Upper East Side residence and gracing charity fundraisers. “She is always the most interesting, most vivacious, most unusual person in the room,” gushed one acquaintance.It was at one such event that Ghislaine met Sarah Ferguson, Andrew’s ex–wife. They became friendly and, in due course, Sarah introduced Ghislaine to Andrew. To all appearances the Prince and the disgraced magnate’s daughter became friends, although there was never any suggestion of a more intimate relationship.As to how Ghislaine funded her lavish lifestyle despite her lack of employment and the depletion of the family fortunes, it was said she received £80,000 a year from a trust fund. But she also became another rich man’s protégée.Eight years her senior, financier Jeffrey Epstein is as enigmatic a character as Ghislaine’s father, with hints of links to both Israeli intelligence agency Mossad and the CIA. Epstein and Ghislaine were romantically involved – but the wedding she hoped for never materialized. Now Epstein is primarily known for serving a year in jail after he was convicted of soliciting prostitutes, and he has been accorded a central role in the seedy allegations of sex with under–age girls.

As for Ghislaine, she became a venture capitalist with a seat on the board of Seed Media Group and founded TerraMar, a non–profit organisation dedicated to ocean conservation. As a qualified deep sea diver, she has explored the ocean bed. Still unmarried she has grown to resemble her father more than ever. Whether the resemblance goes further than facial looks we – and the beleaguered Maxwell clan – await to learn with bated breath.

Now it's rather interesting that she was a deep sea diver. Research I did about a year and a half go turned up this,

From the Telegraph

New pictures show Stephen Hawking enjoying the hospitality of Jeffrey Epstein on the private Caribbean island where Prince Andrew is alleged to have slept with an underage "sex slave".
The celebrated physicist can be seen at a barbecue on Little St James as well as taking a boat cruise and submarine tour of the sea bed off the island.
Epstein, 61, is said to have paid for the submarine to be modified for Professor Hawking, who had never been underwater before.
The Cambridge professor visited Epstein's "Island of Sin" in March 2006 shortly before the paedophile billionaire was charged by police in Palm Beach with unlawful sexual activity with a minor.
Hawking was one of 21 internationally-renowned scientists attending a conference, funded by Epstein, on gravity at the Ritz-Carlton hotel on neighbouring island St Thomas.


The Telegraph article published 2015, but this what have happened in 2006

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This could be Rachel "Ray" Chandler

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Among those pictured with Hawking on the boat cruise is Professor Lawrence Krauss, a theoretical physicist who works at Arizona State University.

No surprise that in a strongly-worded statement, Buckingham Palace earlier said: "It is emphatically denied that the Duke of York had any form of sexual contact or relationship with Virginia Roberts.denies any connection with Prince Andrew as the Telegraph is a British owned paper. Pretty sure they say and Do what they are told.

There Is NO Denying Prince Andrew was photographed with Victoria Roberts and what was filed.

As reported by the New York Daily News in 2015

Roberts filed the affidavit after weeks of being called a liar by Buckingham Palace, Dershowitz, and Maxwell.
In the filing, she stands her ground - and demands they and other unnamed movers and shakers who preyed on her be prosecuted.

"I am telling the truth and will not let these attacks prevent me from exposing the truth of how I was trafficked for sex to many powerful people. These powerful people seem to think that they don't have to follow the same rules as everyone else. That is wrong," she said.

"Epstein's code word for sexual encounters was that it was a 'massage.' At times the interaction between Epstein and the girls would start in a massage room setting, (but) it was always a sexual encounter and never just a massage," Roberts said.

Alessi (former employer of Epstein) said another visitor to the Palm Beach house was Prince Andrew, who once came with his then-wife, Sarah (Fergie) Ferguson.

Roberts said she had her first tryst with the fifth in line to the British throne in the spring of 2001.
"I had sex with him three times, including one orgy. I knew he was a member of the British Royal Family, but I just called him 'Andy,'” Roberts said.
Epstein, she said, had taken her to London, and told her “I was meeting a 'major prince.' Epstein told me ‘to exceed' everything I had been taught. He emphasized that whatever Prince Andrew wanted, I was to make sure he got,” she said. She was 17 at the time.

After the tryst, Epstein grilled her about how it went.
“I told Epstein about Andy's sexual interests in feet. Epstein thought it was very funny,” she said. “Epstein appeared to be collecting private information about Andy.”

Epstein paid her $15,000 for her services. They returned to New York, and not long after, Epstein called Roberts to his office, where he, Maxwell, and the prince were, she said.
"I was surprised to see him again. Epstein and Maxwell were making lewd jokes about 'Randy Andy.' I had the impression that he had come there to see Epstein and have sex with me,” she said.
She obliged, in a room she referred to as the ‘dungeon.’”
The next time she saw him was later that year, on Epstein’s 78-acre estate in the Virgin Islands.

A diary was published in the Independent here,


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Evidence of the Dungeon

It was an orgy, with the prince, Epstein, and “eight other young girls,” she said.
"The other girls all seemed and appeared to be under the age of 18 and didn't really speak English. Epstein laughed about the fact they couldn't really communicate, saying that they are the 'easiest' girls to get along with,” Roberts said.
She said that wasn’t the only orgy she saw or particpated in while working for the mysterious moneyman.
The suit says many of the girls were supplied by modeling agency head Jean Luc Brunel.
“Epstein, Brunel and Maxwell loved orgies with kids - that is, having sexual interactions with many young teenagers at the same time," Roberts said - sometimes as many as ten.
Roberts parted ways with Epstein in 2002, when he sent her to Thailand to study massage. She met and married a man there.

Who is Jean luc Brunel?

His Bio states his modeling agency MC2 is,

a Miami-based modelling agency with offices in New York and Tel Aviv


But his career has sometimes been marred by controversy. A CBS 60 Minutes documentary once accused Brunel of sexually exploiting young women, an allegation he denied.

But Brunel’s close friendship with [Jeffrey] Epstein has never been in doubt. The model scout’s name appears frequently in the flight logs kept for Epstein’s private jets and prison records show he visited Epstein 67 times when he was in jail.

The 30 December court filing relaying Roberts’ allegations, however, went further than the innuendo that has occasionally surrounded Brunel’s friendship with Epstein. It explicitly alleged that Epstein was effectively exploiting Brunel’s access to young women for the purposes of sex trafficking.

“He would bring young girls (ranging to ages as young as twelve) to the United States for sexual purposes and farm them out to his friends, especially Epstein,” the filing states. “Brunel would offer the girls ‘modeling’ jobs. Many of the girls came from poor countries or impoverished backgrounds, and he lured them in with a promise of making good money.”

Roberts alleged she was forced to have sex with Brunel, too, and was made to “observe” the French model scout engaging in “sexual acts with dozens of underage girls”.

Procuring children through Modeling Angencies

This reported by the Daily Beast

But as Conchita Sarnoff wrote at The Daily Beast:

Perhaps most disturbing, in terms of possible sex trafficking, was Epstein’s relationship with Jean Luc Brunel, owner of the MC2 modeling agency. According to a complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, an alleged victim said that Epstein, [assistant and girlfriend Ghislaine] Maxwell, Brunel, [house manager Alfredo] Rodriguez, and Marcinkova ‘deliberately engaged in a pattern of racketeering that involved luring minor children through MC2, mostly girls under the age of 17, to engage in sexual play for money.’

The FBI investigated Epstein, and identified around 40 underaged victims. Sarnoff reports that the FBI is also investigating MC2 and Brunel for possibly engaging in child sex trafficking. Since pleading guilty to reduced charges of soliciting sex with a minor and serving 13 months of part-time jail, Epstein has become the focus of numerous civil lawsuits from his victims. He has so far settled a dozen.

These same civil complaints allege that young girls from South America, Europe, and the former Soviet republics, few of whom spoke English, were recruited for Esptein’s sexual pleasure. According to a former bookkeeper, a number of the girls worked for MC2, the modeling agency owned by Jean Luc Brunel, a longtime acquaintance and frequent guest of Epstein’s.

Brunel, along with numerous young models, was a frequent passenger on Epstein’s private jet, according to flight manifests. The agency owner also allegedly received $1 million from Epstein in 2005, when he founded MC2 with his partner, Jeffrey Fuller; although Fuller and Brunel denied any such payment from the billionaire pervert in 2007, when rumors started swirling, Sarnoff got confirmation from a former bookkeeper at the agency. Whether the money was a secret investment in MC2, or a payment for Brunel’s services as a procurer, is unknown. Brunel also visited Epstein in jail.

While MC2 isn’t considered a major industry player, it isn’t exactly bottom-shelf, either: MC2 in New York most recently launched the career of Latvian editorial star Ginta Lapina (Brunel “discovered” Lapina via an MC2 scouting competition for young teens) and currently represents Vogue China covergirl Liu Dan. Worldwide, MC2 represents such stars as Sessilee Lopez in Miami, and top models Candace Swanepoel, Marina Lynchuk, Natalia Chabanenko, and Elisa Sednaoui in Tel Aviv.

Brunel isn’t involved with the business on a day-to-day basis, although he owns an 85% stake in MC2. Instead, “Right now he does scouting for [the] agency and takes care of the international relations with other agencies,” reports one source.
No Supervision for these scouts and No Accountability!

Scouts scour the world for un-agented teenaged girls who could make it as models; they work largely unsupervised and are generally paid a headhunting fee for every girl an agency signs.

Even when affiliated with an agency, as Brunel obviously is with MC2, scouts operate mostly independently and with little oversighteven relative to the almost totally unregulated modeling industry itself.

“He travels a lot,” says another person who has worked with Brunel. (The company blog refers to Brunel as a “scouting tsunami,” and MC2 is fairly well-known for the strength of its international scouting.)

These accounts from Michael Gross’ 1995 book Model describe Brunel’s activities in Paris from the late 1970s onwards, when he worked for, and eventually owned, the modeling agency Karins, now known as Karin Paris:

Taken from Model

“Jean-Luc is considered a danger,” says Jérôme Bonnouvrier. “Owning Karins was a dream for a playboy. His problem is that he knows exactly what girls in trouble are looking for. He’s always been on the edge of the system. John Casablancas gets with girls the healthy way. Girls would be with him if he was the butcher. They’re with Jean-Luc because he’s the boss. Jean-Luc likes drugs and silent rape. It excites him.”

“I really despise Jean-Luc as a human being for the way he’s cheapened the business,” says John Casablancas. “There is no justice. This is a guy who should be behind bars. There was a little group, Jean-Luc, Patrick Gilles, and Varsano...They were very well-known in Paris for roaming the clubs. They would invite girls and put drugs in their drinks. Everybody knew they were creeps.”

From the Sex Trafficking Modeling scout by Jenna Sauers,

It should be noted that aside from being a professional rival, Casablancas, the founder of the agency Elite, was eventually drubbed out of the industry for his own modelizing. How pervy do you have to be for John Casablancas to call you a perv?

Pervy enough to drug and rape numerous teenagers, according to 60 Minutes and Diane Sawyer, who investigated Brunel in 1988. The program interviewed nearly two dozen models who said they had been sexually assaulted by Brunel and/or by his fellow agent, Claude Haddad. Even at that time, Brunel had a reputation as a man one could go to to procure a “date” with a young model. CBS spoke to five models who said that Brunel and/or his friends had drugged and raped them. Said producer Craig Pyes, “Hundreds of girls were not only harassed, but molested.”

Since then, Brunel has been involved with a succession of agencies in New York and Paris. Although the 60 Minutes scandal eventually led Eileen Ford to stop working with him, he continued his involvement with Karins. In 1988, when powerhouse agency Next opened its doors, Brunel took an ownership stake. He also “discovered” Christy Turlington when she was 14. MC2 is only his latest venture. Because no criminal charges were ever filed by any of his accusers, and because the industry has a short memory — most models working today weren’t even born when Sawyer and Pyes started looking into Brunel’s activities — Brunel has been free to continue as he pleases. A French citizen, he even avoided testifying in his friend Epstein’s trial.

See more here,

Vetted on the agencies he has worked for or has ownership in from an archived Press Release here,

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In an article written by Page Six in January of 2015 Brunel's is brought up in court documents.

The boss of a hot New York modeling agency supplied Jeffery ­Epstein with underage girls for an orgy with Prince Andrew, court documents claim.

Jean Luc Brunel — credited with discovering Christy Turlington, Milla Jovovich and other famous faces — is accused of recruiting aspiring young models for sex with his powerful pals, The Times of London reported on Friday.

Brunel scored US passports for girls as young as 12 — then passed the minors off to pervy pals like Epstein, according to court documents.

Roberts claims Epstein forced her to have sex with Brunel, co-founder of MC2 Model Management, at his home in West Palm Beach, Fla., in New York, California and several other spots.

Epstein also ordered Roberts to watch while he, Brunel and socialite Ghislaine Maxwell had kinky romps with dozens of underage girls, according to court papers.

The filthy-rich banker even housed young models in apartments around the corner from his mansion on East 71st Street on the Upper East Side — one of the spots where he allegedly ordered Roberts to sleep with Prince Andrew, The Sun newspaper reported.

Brunel and Roberts were both regular passengers on Epstein’s private jet, which he used to fly young girls around the world, court papers state.

When Epstein was tossed in jail for soliciting sex from a minor, Brunel allegedly visited him 67 times.

He claims to have discovered Sharon Stone, Rebecca Romijn, Estella Warren, Monica Bellucci and Jerry Hall.

See more here,

It's interesting how close in name Brunel's name is to a director/producer who does questionable films. They look to be porn. Just noticing how the names are only one letter off.

What is also of interest is the lack of photos or info on saod director/Producer when you go to this page.


I point this out because the dates fit the time period in which Diane Sawyer interviewed models on 60 minute claiming Brunel's abuse. Also released in France.

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In filmography it lists these,

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Notice the alternate names he goes by,

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Let's take one of these actresses. I mention her because there is yet Another tie in that leads back to an associate/friend of Ray Chandler and global governments.

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A you would expect movies done by Eva Kleber are debased and feed into exactly what satan and his minions want people to focus on so they are distracted from reality all while giving into the most banal distortions of sex. God never intended it for trash and immorality, satan takes all God creates and distorts it while attempting to entice people into his wickedness.

Notice the messages? Who preyed upon young, underage girls with this ploy?
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Here is another that mirrors the evidence which has surfaced concerning Epstein.

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All is luxurious and voluptuous aboard this millionaire Merrymakers yacht as it cruises the Mediterranean Sea. The fun and frolicking aboard

Another actress in this is Evelyne Lang,

Here is what turns up in an interesting search.

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Another porn star in these movies with these women in the early 80's was Marilyn Jess.

In taking a quick look at her, her husband produced porn And his sister was a porn actress.

  • Husband is Didier Philippe-Gérard
  • Husband's sister is a writer for porn
  • Husband's great grandfather was a famous composer
  • Husband's Half sister was Martine Messager who was an actress, known for Misdeal (1969), Love at Sea (1964) and Le temps des copains (1963). She was married to Claude Mulot.
  • Husband's cousins were Martine Lartigue. . . born on July 2, 1952 in Saint-Tropez, Var, France. He is an actor, known for Swashbuckler (1971), Huckleberry Finn (1967) and Bebert and the Train (1963).
  • Other cousin Francois Lartigue known for his work on The 7th Day (2004), The Night Caller (1975) and The Inheritor (1973).

Just look at how it's all in the family.

Lartigue family heritage from Martine and Francois

  • Lartigue, grandson of photographer Jacques-Henri Lartigue.
  • Cousin of director Marco Pico, actress Martine Messager, director Didier Philippe-Gérard, * and writer and singer Catherine Philippe-Gérard.
  • Son of actress Jeannette Pico.
  • Nephew of actor and director Yves Robert, and of actress Danièle Delorme.
  • Member of AFC (Association Française des directeurs de la photographie Cinématographique).

Just take a look at one of the movies from Francois,

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Released in both Italy and France

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One of the credits goes to Mondial Television which did this movie,

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Why bother mentioning all of this? It shows the evil that has been there all along, but carefully concealed by those placed in just the right positions in virtually every sector of society to do Just that for high profile people like this modeling scout Jean Luc Brunel and Epstein.

Here is a letter from the Justice Department Probe on Epstein from February 2019.

I ask you, since All of this was known for some time, Why did it take This long for a probe to begin? You don't suppose politicians were involved in Epstein's ring of scandal and gathered blackmail as he did with Prince Andrew do you?


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According to New York Daily News,

The Justice Department has opened an inquiry into the sweetheart deal that gave multi-millionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein only 13 months in the private wing of Palm Beach County jail.

The inquiry was revealed in a letter released Wednesday from Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd to Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse.

Sasse had raised concerns about the Epstein case following a series in the Miami Herald that highlighted the unusually cozy ties between the investor’s legal team and then-Southern Florida U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta.

Well that took an interesting turn!

As U.S. Attorney, Acosta approved a plea deal that required Epstein to plead guilty to state charges of prostitution, register as a sex offender and pay restitution to victims as part of a federal non-prosecution agreement.

On December 31, 2013, Acosta became new chairman of U.S. Century Bank, the largest domestically owned Hispanic community bank in Florida and one of the 15 largest Hispanic community banks in the nation.

He became Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division on August 22, 2003, where he was known for increasing federal prosecutions against human trafficking. .

What do you suppose Acosta was already privy to? Just wondering as there is an interesting port there in Florida And it was the Chandler's that were integral in the port in CA.

As seen in historical tellings of the Chandler family tree and wikipedia, the man who started the dynasty and played a big role in what Los Angeles became.

Harry Chandler

In Los Angeles, while working in the fruit fields, he started a small delivery company that soon became responsible for also delivering many of the city's morning newspapers, which put him in contact with The Los Angeles Times publisher Harrison Gray Otis.

Otis liked this entrepreneurial young man and hired him as the Times’ general manager.

  • Harry married Otis’s daughter, Marian Otis, in 1894 (two years after the death of his first wife). The couple had six children together and also raised two daughters from Harry's first marriage.

  • Upon Otis’s death in 1917, Harry took over the reins as publisher of the Times, transforming it into the leading newspaper in the West and at times the most successful.

  • For three straight years in the 1920s, under his leadership, the Times led all other American newspapers in advertising space and in number of classified ads.

  • Much of his boundless energy and dreams were however directed to transforming Los Angeles. As a community builder and large-scale real estate speculator, he became arguably the leading citizen of Los Angeles in the first half of the 20th century.

Harry Chandler helped in creating. . .

Los Angeles Coliseum (and bringing the 1932 Summer Olympics to L.A.), the Biltmore Hotel, the Douglas Aircraft Company, the Hollywood Bowl, The Ambassador Hotel, the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), the Automobile Club of Southern California, KHJ radio station, Trans World Airlines, the San Pedro Harbor, the Los Angeles Athletic Club, the California Club, The Pacific Electric Cars, the Los Angeles Art Association, the Santa Anita Park racetrack, the Los Angeles Steamship Company, the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park, and the restoration of downtown’s Olvera Street and Chinatown.

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Notice when Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain died. Within 3 days of each other and red was signaled in both deaths. Now think of Kappy and the red handkerchief from Tom Hanks twitter.

If you're not familiar with who Bourdain's girlfriend is go here,


Satanic symbolism shown.

Now poke around into Kate's death and see who and what she was connected to around the world And in New York.

Here is some info here,


See about her work with the Clinton Foundation in Haiti here,


Before we pick back up on the Chandler history, take a look at this,

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Let's look at all the San Pedro Harbor entails,

San Pedro is a community within the city of Los Angeles, California. Formerly a separate city, it consolidated with Los Angeles in 1909. The Port of Los Angeles, a major international seaport, is partially located within San Pedro. The district has grown from being dominated by the fishing industry to become primarily a working class community within the city of Los Angeles.

The site, at the southern end of the Palos Verdes Peninsula, on the west side of San Pedro Bay, was used by Spanish ships starting in the 1540s.

San Pedro was a township in the 1860 census. The township consisted of the present-day South Bay communities, Compton and western Long Beach.

See here for recent activities concerning Long Beach and interesting connections to NEXIVM, Girardi (Allison Mack's Attorney), businesses owned, a Guatemalan House of Culture next to Girardi's law offices (his wife is Erika Jayne one of the Real Housewives).

Girardi's wife was kind enough to show us her private plane. Epstein has one on his coast.

Some connections in the following video that lead to a pediatrician connected with owned businesses by Girardi and his partner. You can see Special Ops carry out a target in hazmat suits, video footage by citizens and the accounts by people there who said these"military exercises" seemed to be anything but that.

Military Exercises in Los Angeles, California or a raid? Thomas Girardi, NEXIVM and Miami, FL

More info here,

Attorney for Allison Mack, Erin Brockovich married to Erika Jayne of RHBH. Girardi & Nexivm, GHC

YT hates truth so archived the above report here,


Back to San Pedro and Why it is Important.

In 1906, the city of Los Angeles annexed the Harbor Gateway, a long, narrow strip of land connecting the city to the northern border of Wilmington, and in 1909, the larger city consolidated with Wilmington and with San Pedro.

In 1929, the city experienced the Sunken City Disaster, where an earthquake caused multiple homes to slide off a cliff into the sea.

In 1888, the War Department took control of a tract of land next to the bay and added to it in 1897 and 1910. This became Fort MacArthur in 1914 and was a coastal defense site for many years. Woodrow Wilson transferred 200 United States Navy ships from the Atlantic to the Pacific in 1919 when tension arose between the United States and Japan over the fate of China. San Diego Bay was considered too shallow for the largest ships, so the battleships anchored in San Pedro Bay on August 9, 1919.

By 1934, 14 battleships, two aircraft carriers, 14 cruisers, and 16 support ships were based at San Pedro.

The fleet post office, supply depot, fuel depot, degaussing range, ECM repair facility, and naval training schools for small craft, fire fighters, merchant ship communications, and anti-submarine attack remained at San Pedro through World War II.

San Pedro, Wilmington, and Terminal Island are the locations of the Port of Los Angeles.

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Look at the lay of the land and ocean.

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Back to Harry Chandler

As a real estate investor, he was a partner in syndicates that owned and developed much of the San Fernando Valley, as well as the Hollywood Hills (Hollywoodland). The Hollywoodland sign was used to promote the development. Chandler's other real estate projects included Mulholland Drive, much of Dana Point, the Tejon Ranch (281,000 acres (1,140 km²) in Southern California), the Vermejo Park Ranch (340,000 acres) in New Mexico), and the C&M ranch (832,000 acres) in northern Baja, Mexico).

At one point these investments made him the largest private landowner in the U.S., while at the same time, he was an officer or director in thirty-five California corporations, including oil, shipping, and banking.

Another eugenicist just as Bill Gates father was.

Harry Chandler was a notable eugenicist during his time as President of the Los Angeles Times, and was a member of the Human Betterment Foundation, an organization headed by Ezra Gosney.

The Human Betterment Foundation (HBF) was an American eugenics organization established in Pasadena, California in 1928 by E.S. Gosney with the aim "to foster and aid constructive and educational forces for the protection and betterment of the human family in body, mind, character, and citizenship". It primarily served to compile and distribute information about compulsory sterilization legislation in the United States, for the purposes of eugenics.


He died of a heart attack. Harry's oldest son, Norman Chandler, took charge of the Los Angeles Times after Harry's death.

Now back to Acosta,

In a 2011 public letter about the case, Acosta expressed dissatisfaction with the terms of Epstein's incarceration, stating: “Epstein appears to have received highly unusual treatment while in jail.”

Acosta had publicly stated that the plea deal was determined by prosecutors to be the best way to assure a conviction. When the controversy resurfaced, Acosta said he welcomed the opportunity to participate in any inquiry, and the U.S. Department of Justice notified Congress in early 2019 that it had opened an investigation into the federal handling of the Epstein case.

David Markus, a Florida defense attorney familiar with Acosta's work as U.S. Attorney for Southern District of Florida offered a different view, stating,

At the time this case was being investigated, there were serious questions about whether Epstein’s crimes had the required federal nexus. These were traditional state court crimes with local victims, which the federal government decided should be prosecuted by the state system. ... In addition, there were legitimate concerns about how a trial would have turned out. These trials are difficult. ... Here, prosecutors have said that many of the victims either refused to testify or were going to say things that helped Epstein.”

Former federal prosecutor, Jeffrey Sloman, echoed this view, writing: “Our priorities were to make sure Epstein could not hurt anyone else and to compensate Epstein’s victims without retraumatizing them. Our team worked diligently to build a federal case against Epstein. Throughout the investigation, we took care to be respectful of the pain Epstein’s victims had endured. As we continued, however, it became clear that most of Epstein’s victims were terrified to cooperate against him. Some hired lawyers to avoid appearing before a grand jury. One of the key witnesses moved to Australia and refused to return calls from us. We also researched and discussed significant legal impediments to prosecuting [in federal court] what was, at heart, a local sex abuse case. Given the obstacles we faced in fashioning a robust federal prosecution, we decided to negotiate a resolution. ... You can disagree with the result we reached, but our whole team — from Alex [Acosta] on down the chain of command — always acted with integrity and in good faith.”

In December 2018, a Labor Department spokesperson replied to questions about renewed interest in the Epstein case as follows: "For more than a decade, this prosecution has been reviewed in great detail by newspaper articles, television reports, books, and Congressional testimony, and has been defended by the Department of Justice in litigation across three administrations and several attorneys general. If the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General chooses to review this matter, Secretary Acosta welcomes the opportunity to participate."

Subsequent to the federal non-prosecution agreement, additional information came to light indicating that Epstein's activities may have been significantly more extensive – perhaps affecting hundreds of minors, believed to have been recruited from the U.S. and overseas to attend sex parties at Epstein's homes in Florida, New York, New Mexico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and aboard his private jet.

The case was scheduled to be examined in court for the first time in December 2018 as part of a civil lawsuit between Epstein and a lawyer representing several victims, but that suit was settled before witnesses gave testimony.

Ghislaine has maintained contact with the Clintons as can be seen at Chelsea's wedding.
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This found in Walker's Research source below,

Board Dir. – Seed Media Group LLC
Company Name : Seed Media Group LLC
Company Website : www.seedmediagroup.com

Ghislaine Maxwell Biography :
Ghislaine Maxwell is a venture capitalist with a record of successful investment in start-up and growing small-cap companies engaged in a variety of international businesses, including publishing, health care, cosmetics, restaurants, public relations, technologies, and web-based services, among others.

Ms. Maxwell holds a B.A – M.A. from Oxford University.
Ms. Maxwell is a former Director of Oxford United FC and a former Business Development Manager for the newspaper, “The European”.
Her diverse philanthropic activities include board memberships on a number of private charitable foundations, and participation in funding efforts benefiting programs ranging from scientific research programs to social welfare programs.

Ghislaine Maxwell Colleagues : Adam Bly, Dean Daniels, Fabien Savenay, Irina Golub, Anna Herceg

Here is just some of what just one of her Board of Directors does. Easy to see how all of these elitists connect and just How they do it.

Joseph Gantz has extensive experience as a senior operating manager and investor/general partner. For over 12 years, he served as President and CEO of Empire Brushes, Inc. and grew the company from a $27 million manufacturer with two facilities to an $85 million manufacturer and marketer with five facilities and over 900 associates. After redirecting the company to a marketing and new products driven company, he sold empire to Rubbermaid in 1994 and coordinated its integration and transition into Home Products, the flagship division of Rubbermaid, Inc.

Since 1995, Joseph has been actively involved as a principal in the following investments: Papel Giftware (an acquisition from Russ Berrie and Co.), Blue Ridge International Products, Fitz & Floyd, Bauer Investments, Changing Paradigms, and Home Fragrance Holdings. He is currently a managing partner in Gift Holdings Management, LLC and H3 Management, LLC. In several of these investments Joseph played an integral operating role. For example, he participated with Chase Capital in Seymour Housewares, a $100 million sale company, to increase shareholder value by working with a new management team before its successful merger into Home Products international, Inc., a $250 million public company.


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Ghislaine's mother, She was born in France.

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Married for 46 years, Betty witnessed the evolution of her husband from a displaced refugee fighting in the British Army to publishing mogul, and experienced at first hand his “Jekyll and Hyde” character. It was a roller-coaster life but she remained fiercely devoted in the face of her husband’s frequently appalling treatment of herself and their children, and refused to speak out against him when he died, baffling many around her. Although she did once say when considering an afterlife, “God forbid that I should run into him again.”

Her father later known as Robert Maxwell, was born as Jan Ludwig Hoch into a poor Jewish family in pre-war Czechoslovakia, but was by then known as Sergeant Ivan du Maurier, serving in the Pioneer Corps of the British Army. They met at the French welcome committee, where Allied troops could socialise with French civilians.

According to Translation Found blog,

Czech Jan Ludwig Hoch represented a special breed of European business men for whom even the sophisticated business culture of Goldman Sachs was no deterrent.

It goes like this:
Maxell moved the pension fund money to a new account not related to the funds. Then he asked Goldman Sachs to move it – but not back to where it came from – but to somewhere else. To some Luxembourg-managed fund to be exact. Ostensibly to invest the money on better terms. This is how £ 400 million of pension fund cash left British shores, never to be returned.

Guess who resides at one of the highest banks in the land connected to the European Union there in Luxembourg? Daniel Baal.

See connections to Christine Blasey Ford's father here,


Considering the money Ghislaine's organization has donated to the Clinton Foundation,

Remember this photo from part 1?

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In part 1 I also discussed how Rachel Chandler has worked with Marina Abramovic.

Check out this photo as to who Waris is connected to,

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In searching his history you are quick to find all that the media and controllers who are pushing a certain agenda want you to see. Information like this found in EW,

Five years ago, Waris Ahluwalia was making jewelry as a hobby. Now he’s bedecking Hollywood’s biggest stars — and acting alongside them. Here’s how Inside Man ‘s indignant hostage got where he is today.

In 2002, Waris Ahluwalia was browsing at L.A.’s Maxfield when the store’s buyer admired his self-designed rings — and placed an order on the spot. Thus, the Indian American’s first jewelry line, House of Waris, was born.

A year later, Ahluwalia met Wes Anderson at a peace rally, and the two instantly forged a bond. ”Waris had a smile that caught [me] a little off guard,” the director says.

So Anderson offered his new friend a supporting role in The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou. Without having to suffer through a single audition, Ahluwalia was working with the likes of Owen Wilson.

What you don't see is his connection to the Secret Service.

This published in 2011,


Today is the tenth anniversary of the Clinton Foundation, and former President Clinton’s 65th birthday. (Happy retirement age, Mr. Clinton!) The William J. Clinton Foundation works to protect the environment, increase economic opportunity, and improve global health and agriculture; and to commemorate its decade of service, the Clinton Foundation is hosting a gala dinner and live auction at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles.

Among the items up for bid is this one-of-a-kind, 18 carat gold pendant and black walnut box designed by fine-jeweler Waris Ahluwalia’s label, House of Waris. “I’ve always seen HOUSE of WARIS as a platform to create and collaborate with people I admire,” said Alhuwalia, who has a wide choice of friends and collaborators to celebrate.

The designer’s first encounter with our 42nd President was in his college years, when he worked with the Secret Service (another surprise career for Mr. Ahluwalia!).

“That should have led me into a nice career in politics—how I ended up in fashion is beyond me,” he says. Clinton must have been impressed.

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See more here,


Rachel only 14 here,

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Found here,

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Also at her wedding were some people from Comet Pizza followers. Check the names at bottom of pic. One of them also commented on her pic when she was 14 y/o pic, saying Prime Age...sick pedos!

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See thread here,


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I posted pics from Rachel's Tumblr and there is a photo like what he is describing. Scroll down towards bottom third.


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Kimberly Lynne Watzman, the general manager of the Standard Hotel in West Hollywood, was one of the three people killed in a helicopter crash in Newport Beach on Tuesday.

Watzman, 45, had worked as general for the Standard Hollywood on Sunset Boulevard since July 2015. Previously she had been a manager and director at the Standard in downtown Los Angeles.

Watzman, who lived in Santa Monica, was one of four people on the helicopter when it crashed. Others who died were Joseph Tena of Newport Beach, who apparently was the pilot, and Brian Reichelt of Hollywood, Fla. Another passenger was seriously injured and was taken to Orange County Global Medical Center in Santa Ana. Reichelt was the regional finance director for the Standard’s parent company.

As reported in NBC Miami,

An investigator with the National Transportation Safety Board said the helicopter was headed to Catalina Island when it crashed. The investigator said there was no known distress call.

The helicopter's pilot was among the three people on board who were killed. A fourth person on board was injured, as was a man on the ground.

The cause of the crash remains unknown.

As reported in ICFlorida,

he company said Wednesday that 45-year-old Kim Watzman of Santa Monica had been at the company for 11 years and was the general manager of The Standard's location in Hollywood.

The company says 56-year-old Brian Reichelt had been with the company for more than six years as a regional director of finance at The Standard in Miami.

Amar Lalvani, CEO of Standard International, says the company is "heartbroken."

Ryan Watzman told the station his sister dropped off her dog, Harley, at their parents' house in Marina del Rey Tuesday morning, telling them she was taking a day trip to Catalina Island.

Witnesses described a plume of smoke as the helicopter plunged to the ground. It appeared to clip the tile roof of one home, then skid along the ground through the residential intersection before smashing into a side wall of another home. The helicopter pushed in a master bedroom wall, and its tail section ended up in a side yard.

Described with footage here and eyewitness accounts,


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All is Connected!
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Updated Facebook Frames which includes this article and further connections/footage











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