"You look fine to me" PTSD

in #ptsd7 years ago

Invisible disabilities are all around you.  Looks can be deceiving.  Its kind of obvious when you see someone in a wheelchair or a blind person.  Not all of the disabled community are "visibly disabled".  What is an invisible disability?  It's impairment or deficiency that cannot be readily or easily noticed.  There are over 309 million americans with disabilities/ That's close to 50% of americans that have disabilities and 149 million of those have a chronic illness.  Roughly 96% of people living with a chronic illness, their impairment is invisible.  There is such a large list of diseases and illnesses that even if I didn't space them it would make this a very long blog.  There are 10's of thousands of them.  

There are discouraging remarks that are commonly said to people living with invisible disabilities.  We know that most of you don't know what to say and don't mean it in a demeaning or derogatory way.  Just DO NOT do these;  

- Do not claim it does not exist because you cannot see it.  You have no idea what living in this persons shoes is like.  I hear this a lot with my Traumatic Brain Injury and my PTSD.  "you look fine to me"  which says to me.... you must be faking it.  I've had family accuse me of just doing this for attention.  Even though they know I was in a coma and was in the car where 3 other close family members were killed.  

- Do not minimize their situation.  example "It could be worse"... you have no idea what it takes that person to get out of bed every day and you have no idea the pain or suffering they endure every day.  or "You're soo lucky you don't have to work"  Let me tell you that I would do anything to be able to hold and do well at a full time job.  I want to work.  I like and miss working.  Living on a check that barely pays my bills every month is not fun.  I don't have the money to go out and have fun even just once every couple of weeks.  It's not a vacation.  It's kind of like hell.  I miss having a purpose.

-Don't disregard their limitations-  I tried a Krav Maga work out class.  It didn't go well because I have chronic knee pain from my accident and cannot bend far or even put pressure on my knees.  I would inform the instructor that I was unable to do certain things and people trying to be supportive and positive would say.  Don't say that.  You can do it.  And I would get so frustrated because they wouldn't listen that I was physically incapable of doing that.  Sure I look fine.  I walk fine.  But there is severe pain from old injuries that do not allow me to do it.  It's been 20 years and it hasn't healed yet... 

-Don't act like you can relate-  I have quite a few examples of this but I'll just give you a couple of examples.  Because of my brain injury I have periods where I'm extremely forgetful.  I call those days (like the movie) '50 first dates' bad.  I explain to people I have problems with my memory.  They say oh yeah me too.  I just think ok.  Multiply that voluntary forgetfullness x 10 and you might be where I get sometimes.  The difference is that most people can remember something if they set their mind to it.  With my brain injury, sometimes it doesn't matter how much I want to remember it I cant!  I don't have this but as my second example let's use chronic fatigue.  People that have chronic fatigue might frequently hear, "oh I know what you mean I am tired all of the time"  Not the SAME....

These are just a few things and there are tons of different kinds of invisible disabilities.  Feel free to comment, reshare and add your story.  To the people that don't have them.  We know that most of you care and don't mean it in a derogatory way.  We know that you may not know what to say.  Saying nothing is not a good option.  For me, I say ask me questions.  Let's start a dialogue.  I know you won't understand it completely but maybe you'll have a better understanding.  If you care enough to do that or try,  I will fight for your friendship.    Thank you for reading.  



We are all moving. This is life . Never give up.

You either Taspingo. I hope everything is going well with you. :)

Glad to hear it. thank you for reading my post

It is a nice article.

thank you. This is why I'm on steemit :) Trying to raise awareness :)

One I'd like to add is to offer something. Be genuine. Don't say "is there anything I can do for you?" Say "What can I do for you?"

nice. I didn't think about that one when I was writing it. I did have someone say that to me once and I almost started crying. out of happiness of course :)


I extend an open ended "What can I do for you" to you my friend.

First of all thank you. Keep being you. The best thing I can think of is resteeming and sharing your experiences. Seems to me because we aren't able to start groups on here to collaborate that sharing is the best answer :) You're doing a great job. I will be here for anything I can help you with as well. What can I do for you?

I have come across a bit, granted I have only been here a week, but there are groups. I will poke around when I get a chance...

Thank you my friend :)

Can I just say I love your kind soul? I know it's cheezy but with everything life brings us it's important to say what we feel. Thank you for your support and helping me raise awareness :)

Awe, thank you! That really means a lot :)

You are more than welcome!

Sometimes I am guilty of doing these things. It's not because I am a jerk though, it's because I want to help the person feel better. If I see you better, maybe you too can believe and see yourself better. So many people are sick and hurting because their spirits are broken. They feel like less, and if I can just give you one moment when u feel like more, I hope u take it. How can I spread this message without coming off as insensitive or crass...maybe, people are over sensitive though....why? Probably because they feel like no one cares. So maybe we say instead, "I care and you can do it" it will be received better. Thank you for opening my eyes to this my friends.

Wow, what a great response. Honestly, I've been guilty of it as well. Being on the receiving end isn't great when sometimes every minute of every day is a struggle. Some days are better than others. Just be the best you that you can be. I'm sure it shows. You sound like a wonderful and caring person. Just be honest if you aren't sure what to say. :) If they say I can't maybe ask "what can I do for you" or we can do this at your pace when your ready and we'll get through this together. Every person is different :) I appreciate your honesty and your response. If you have any more questions feel free to ask or even share :) thank you

Great article. Many of us suffer from these invisible disabilities, me included. It is extremely frustrating when people make those statements like "have you tried not being thay way?" Or "i dont believe that is real", family members included, or "You dont look sick to me". Unfortunately perception is reality for most folks. If they cant see it, it isnt real.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I'm with you on all of that. I'd really like to start a group on here to collaborate and talk. We could be support for eachother while raising awareness and being a safe place. I don't know how to do that though on here. I'm hoping there's a way and that I'll figure it out soon :)

I like that idea. Following.

I am in the same boat,except I do not get disability checks,...it was not something that I was aware of and just had to do what I could.
I completely agree about the constant you look fine to me thing!
I have always struggled to keep up,and it seems to be so easy for most people.
ADD,ADHD,dyslexia,PSPD,and brain injuries do not an easy life make!
thank you for the good post!

I understand. My disability started with my brain injury. My doctors told me for years that I needed to be on it and I fought them. Then after a couple of years I realized they were right. BIg blow to the ego but glad it's there.... for now anyway

looks like you have lots of post on it, followed will check some of them out!
thank you for sharing.

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