Doing Actual Research Or Following The Herd? Rigid Beliefs Are Just As Much A Problem For Those Who Question Everything As For Those Who Question Nothing.

in #psychology7 years ago

During the last few days I have been busy researching the mass of conflicting information and sources coming out of Las Vegas in regards the mass shooting there. I have done this because I know very well that the mainstream media and government sources must not be blindly trusted to be truthful and because I have an interest in improving life and causing balance - which requires the truth and integrity that is largely missing.

In the process of this exploration it has become abundantly clear that we have gone from the time of 911, where investigators were ridiculed for even questioning the government narrative of the events of 911 - to the point where now investigators are ridiculed for not going along with whatever alternative theory has gained traction online!

What is clear is that there is an underlying problem of people getting stuck in and invested in rigid beliefs. Whether it is the belief that the government would never lie, or that the government always lies and that therefore any old theory that looks like it supports the idea that the government lies must therefore be true - the rigid, judgment based beliefs and thought patterns cause error after error and argument after argument that waste energy and limit human potential.

Having spent many years investigating the events of 911 it is saddening and laughable that I now get abused and laughed at just for pointing out how high school physics demonstrates that the currently popular theories about the Las Vegas shooting are incorrect. There is a connecting thread though in all of this - that many people don't understand basic physics and are operating on fear that has them forming judgments without thoroughly examining the evidence.

When we are in a stressful situation and are reaching for answers it is common for us to just latch on to whatever looks promising and which conforms to our pre-existing belief systems as we attempt to create a new internal balance and peaceful state of being. People latched on to the government's NIST report version of events after 911 - despite their version having so many holes in it and physical impossibilities - the blind faith kept many people adhering to this narrative for a long time and some still do even today. They did this partially because they believed they needed to be protected and they had no bigger 'parent' to turn to than their government and when it is realised that the alternative might be to think that the government themselves were the real culprits, the internal stress and tensions caused by the lack of a satisfactory option caused many to simply choose to ignore the difficult questions and just blindly trust the government.

Today though, things are different and large groups have formed who recognise the deep corruption within the governmental systems and who turn to each other for support. This is mostly a good thing, since we need real community - however, there has not yet been an equivalent movement on a large scale with regards the evolution of the inner being and of the mental processes that people are using to direct their thinking and actions. As long as we continue to ridicule whatever contradicts us without even examining it, we are leaving ourselves open to the error and manipulation that we believe that we are standing up to by taking the position that we do.

The issue of the alleged 'shooter on the 4th floor' of the Mandalay Bay Hotel is the one that has caused me to think about this in more depth. I started out intending to stay open to the possibilities, without jumping to any conclusions and so that meant examining all the evidence, which initially led me to think that there really was a shooter on the 4th floor. However, since I really do intend to not jump to any conclusions, I took the time to look at the deeper details without allowing me to be directed by fear and judgments that don't want to look at the evidence and just want us to survive, protect and possibly attack. In doing so I learned that, no, there was no shooter on the fourth floor.

Fight or Flight is Not Optimal

What I am pointing to here is what has been called our 'Fight or Flight Mechanism' and it is often described as being a 'good' thing for us since it allegedly protects us in times of threat. However, while these imprinted behaviors might be useful in the event of a tiger attack, they are not so useful while reviewing evidence from a complicated crime scene. In fact, they are likely to totally throw us off the track of the real facts.

In the heat of the moment, you might mistake a stick in the grass for a snake and the fear might then cause you to not check your facts and simply spray petrol onto the lawn and burn it down! Only later do you learn that it was just a stick that looked a bit like a snake! That is what is occurring here in the minds of many observers as they take in the video material from so many different sources that like to drum up the war drums for whatever agenda they are pushing. Fear is a major way to control people and it is a tragedy that people are being controlled by their fear even while they are convinced they are leading people to freedom.

I congratulate everyone who has decided to stand up to tyranny and injustice, I just suggest that we all take some time to REALLY question EVERYTHING and not get stuck in rigid beliefs about what 'must' be true. Serious investigation is not really so hard, but it does require keeping a truly open mind and also the wisdom and balance to not attack anyone - you might just lose a useful ally as you attempt to make yourself sound smart and powerful from behind your keyboard.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul


assume I'm human

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As a child I thought as a child, as I grew up I learned adulting.... Yup reasoning is a must.

You know I have seen a few of your posts and just decided to follow you. have a good day ura

Greetings! Thanks for the support.

synchromysticism abounds! I just steemed a poem about pretty much the same thing :)

thankyou for your synchronicity ;)

Anyone that really wants to know the truth has to be willing to examine even the most basic beliefs they hold. This is painful, and usually traumatic.

What convinced you there was no 4th floor shooter?

I made this video to explain the physics that are pretty obvious when examined. I am not really convinced, since the truth does not need to be convincing.

This post has received a 11.80 % upvote from @upgoater thanks to: @ura-soul.

This post has received a 8.37 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ura-soul.

agreed - There are many people on steemit who are basically "Conspiracy Junkies." It's dissapointing to see them eagerly jump into crazy theories at the drop of a hat, like this is some kind of game...

The sheer amount of uninformed people who take things for face value is ridiculous. No one wants to do any research anymore, things that is a simple as a google search would clear everything up, but they can't be bothered.

Even that I can deal with - but when they are also accusing those who do do the research of being misinfo agents or worse - with nothing to back it up.. then the whole thing is just absurd.

Another great post - so true

Back in 2002 when I was posting about 911 one of the biggest distractions was people argueing about stuff like what made the towers collapse - but the key issue is that it wasn't planes, and it was clearly a false flag.

People now forget that just like the JFK assignation, there were plenty of people who saw this when it happened and didn't bother going on about it for 16 years (I took my 911 webpage offline in 2006 because it was old news)

Now this vegas false flag - I think the key fact is that it wasn't done by Lee Harvey Paddock - it was done by multiple military shooters - their locations are not that important

Having seen numerous groups targetted for disruption by well organised groups - such as government groups for example - and having seen their tactics.. I feel that a significant amount of the bogus stories online are put out by these groups to make research more difficult and to make researchers look foolish by association.

Yep - like "flat earth" :)

And about half of the Vegas shooting videos...

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