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RE: Do you ever have dreams of friends or family who have died?

in #psychology7 years ago

I'm no psychologist, but perhaps you see your friend at such times because it is comforting for you in a way. At that time in your life, when he was still with you, did you feel very secure? If so, it makes sense that you would dream about someone from a time when you had a lot less stress in your life, at times when you have a lot of stress in your life...

Really though, perhaps the why shouldn't matter. What counts is that you're still getting to spend time with them, long after they're gone. So, you should try and do your best to enjoy it when it happens, and think of it as a blessing that few people are entitled to.

As for you deciding what charity to give the money to, I would like to suggest that you cut the middle-man out. Rather than giving the money to a charity, and not knowing for certain whether it actually went to a good cause.. Could you consider giving it to a homeless person, or people, that you see out and about? Or even, buy things like a toothbrush, toothpaste, covers etc, and then hand it off to homeless people?

My brother who still lives in England made up 6 huge bags with food, clothing, blankets etc, and gave one to a homeless person for each of us who live in Scotland. He did that for us, as our gifts, and it was the best one I ever had in truth.


Well I would rather it went into epilepsy research - I do normally give things to homeless people directly anyway. Good suggestion though.

@thecryptofiend goosebumps ..
. I've often dreamed talking to my both my dead gramps and granny .. but have never asked them for advice or help ... having read this I thought .. even in your dreams you're aware - you yes, you? but you were even dreaming ...

I never specifically asked them for advice - it was just a spontaneous discussion (or seemed that way) and in those cases in particular I wasn't aware I was dreaming.

In some dreams I do realise I'm dreaming though if that is what you mean - but most of the time it is like I forget really fast (if that makes sense).

The few times when I have been truly lucid it has ruined the dream and I have normally woken up.

For example a few times I had a dream where I was able to fly like superman and I had the thought - if I can fly this must be a dream.

When I started to think that I started to slowly drift down and lost the ability to fly or do anything dreamlike - it was like the laws of physics returned to being the same as the waking world and I woke up soon afterwards.

Come to think of it you gave me an idea - there may be a way I can donate it directly to the neurology department of my local university. I'll see if they have a way of accepting small donations.

That should work. I can't see a good reason why they wouldn't be able to accept direct donations.

There are always reasons lol - sometimes with small donations the bureaucracy involved can cost more than the actual donation so some institutions don't take them - that is what I have heard anyway - may just be one of those rumours that goes around.

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