The Psychology of your mind #3: How many horses do you see?

in #psychology7 years ago

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I was always passionate about horses. For me, they are one of the most beautiful creatures on the Planet. As you will see in few minutes I am not the only one who is passionate about them and there are a lot of interesting pictures you can find.



Pay attention to each of them as THEY ARE NOT what they seem at first sight.



I see a frog. Do you? Or is there are something else hidden?

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Yes, there is one horse. If you can’t find it just click here to find the answer:

and what about this one?

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OK, before we were looking for horse, but how about we start looking ON a horse? Yep, this is a horse, (we do not need to find it right?), but can you find the girl?

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We are progressing to the next level. We found both a horse and a girl, now what have we here?

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(c) Octavio Ocampo Image Source


Now we are getting closer to the fun part. Lets start with easy one. This is a surrealist illusion painting created by (c)Octavio Ocampo. Lets see if you can count a total of 18 horses?

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(c) Octavio Ocampo Image Source

This one here is a bit more complex:

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(c) 1998 Steven Michael Gardner&Gardner Gallery Image Source

They are painted by the very talented artist Steven Michael Gardner and if you try hard you can count as many as 21 Horse on the image. I would really suggest you to go on his web-page as there you can have some fun with it - each time you have a guess - just click on the area you think the course is and get the answer if you are right or not. Apart from that, if you miss any - there is an answer section as well%) But I do recommend you try it yourself first and have some fund - they are easy: more you look, the more you see. Let your brain to work a bit!


Let’s now see this one… This is painting called “Pinto” by Bev Doolittle and I really want you to pay attention to how many horses do you REALLY see? Hint: the author was not intending to create an optical illusion, so she was not actually hiding the horses from us %)) The trick is that your brain is now accustomed to search for horses where there aren’t any, so you might see more than there really are. Lets give it a try…

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(c)Bev Doolittle Image Source


This one of my favorite illusion created by the same author Bev Doolittle and called "When the Wind had Wings”. It is really hard to present the full beauty of this image here as the original is very narrow, but I hope you can see that it hides not only horses but something else.

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If you can’t manage with the full-size picture, try this fragment.

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(c) Bev Doolittle Image Source

And now…


And I did not do it. The finish line of this post is done by very talented 3D pavement art illusionist Kurt Wenner

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With love to horses, illusions and all,

Sasha Genji

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If you like posts on the topics of our brain, illusions, and interesting facts, feel free to check my other posts:

#2 Truth about RAINBOWS - revealing the secrets of the most known optical illusion

#1What it real? The games our brain plays with colours


Very nice

Up-voted :-)


Thank you, dear! But I guess I have a good example for the quality and creative posts to follow%) I also like your idea to give the link to your profile straight away - it saves time on double-clicks%)) If you do not mind I would also use this idea in my posts%)) BTW, the new post is awesome as always - upvote from me as well%) I also have one idea which I am going to present to you a bit later%)) Just please keep writing your unique mix poetry and pictures posts - they are absolutely incredible!

Thank you so much! Yes, it helps. It is kind of like a signature. You post some interesting stuff, they look so majestic. So would you say horses are your spirit animal ? haha :)

i was trying to find a favorite pic among these, but they are all so good.. hard to choose haha

I can't find the favorite as well, but one which I adore and consider special is "When the Wind had Wings” by Bev Doolittle. It is such a small piece, the same time so powerful. It took me several times looking at it to realize that the horses is the only the first part and that you should look deeper to see even more%) It really relates to me and the way I live %)

I loved that quote also, I see what you mean,great choice of art here :)

No, I do not think they are, but I adore them!Sometimes when I am rightwithin%)) owe you copyright for it, I am seeing different animals close to me or passing by%) Just wondering if I will be able to draw them one day all%) The same time my true passion is women. I can stop being inspired by their caurage, love, feelings and the beauty they can bring to this world!I guess this is why I am so in love with your Floral Awakeing as for me it is the perfect example of the very different, but so beautiful women of the World%)

I love that , I think you will do excellent with drawing, I can tell you are passionate about it just from your response :) I am so happy you really liked floral awakening. Women rock! haha :-)

Women rock for sure!

I love horses!

My dear Michelle, nice hearing from you, the wonderful soul. I just read your posts about Dr and it is so strange - why do they want to make C-section?

But what does amazes me still%) is how the people are connected to each other even without knowing it. I made a painting on a rock for you and just finished it a few days ago. I just had this image in my head from last Saturday and kept thinking of you all the Sunday then I did it. For me it is the image which represents self-confidence - women, who knows her powers and strength, who trust the process and allowing things come to her naturally. I was not sure how to write about it to you but now I see as always that there are forces much bigger than I am and perhaps this is the stone which really was made for you. Espesially when I saw you last post with a wonderful painting with more or less the same colours. I am sending you my love and support with it and hope it will help you to go through the period you are in now. If you do not mind I would love to send it to you in a physical form so it will always remind you of your beauty and wisdom and how do you dealing with this situation you are having now. Just send me your address on [email protected]. Once more much love from me to you and your baby. All is going to be the way it should be, so stop worrying and enjoy every second of this wonderful time.

That is beautiful :) Thank you for your kind words, I would be honored to have that! I will send you my mailing info via email :)

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