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RE: Shooting Ourselves in the Foot by Leading with a Carrot

in #psychology8 years ago

Well written as always. I say try paying your rent with intrinsic rewards. I'm a firm believer in Occam's Razor...look for the simplest answer. We work because we have to. We do a good job because if we don't, someone else will and we get fired. The concept itself is sound, but difficult to apply to the workplace. It translates well to forums like Steemit, where satisfaction is a reward, more important than money, in my estimation. It also applies to child-rearing. I might break it down differently by applying a reward hierarchy split between tasks that we must perform and those we choose to perform. Just a thought.


LOL I'll pay my rent with my mind, I'll "secret" my way to wealth ;)

I indeed did good jobs because I care to represent myself as a certain level of quality worker, even if I didn't like what I was dong that much. Facebook has success where people feed off of the attention, appreciation, etc. When money gets involved that takes second place. Different types of tasks does indeed affect our motivation like you say. Thanks for the feedback.

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