Why it is important to be an optimist and how to develop this quality: 7 lifhak

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

One hundred percent optimists do not meet often. However, optimism is a very valuable quality, because it affects our physical health, emotional well-being, and also greatly improves social adaptation. It is worth constantly engaging in the development and strengthening of its optimistic mood.

How optimists differ from pessimists

Obviously, no one is immune from adversity and failure. Moreover, optimists, like their fellow pessimists, are subject to depression. However, psychologists and psychiatrists still note a clear difference in how they react to therapy and how soon they are restored after life's trials. As you might have guessed, with optimists this is much better. This is facilitated by their pronounced tendency to love life, the propensity to believe in a favorable outcome of events and not to lose vital signs even in the most difficult times for them. And here are some advantages of optimists over pessimists:

They live longer,
They are less likely to suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system,
Their immunity and health in general are stronger than those of pessimists,
They sleep better,
They are happier,
And finally, they almost always have a reliable support group in the form of loyal friends.
You can become an optimist

Below is a list of simple techniques, frequent repetition of which will "teach" your brain and yourself to be optimistic.

Smile more

The smile is contagious. As soon as we smile at others, in most cases they respond to us in the same way. But that is not all. Our own smile stimulates those areas of the brain that send a signal to the body that we are happy. In response, the body produces a hormone of happiness, serotonin. As a result, our attitude at the biochemical level becomes more optimistic. So smile more often. And if the mood is not very, just remember something that always makes you happy or even laughs.

Express your gratitude every day

Another transforming technique. Saying thanks to others and the Universe for the benefits we have given, we develop a more positive outlook in ourselves, and we also release the painful past more easily. Express gratitude can be any way you want. For example, daily write down in the diary three events of the day that you greatly pleased, or just think about them, or send thanks in the form of a postcard or a simple SMS to those who have done something good for you.

Do the exercise "My ideal day"

The effectiveness of this technique in the development of optimism was confirmed by scientific research. The essence of the reception is as follows. You start with a written description of the ideal in your day view. In it, you specify any details of your personal and professional life, including places, interiors, other people, how you look, what you do, what feelings and emotions you feel, and so on. Next, you take about five minutes each day to reread your entries and paint, as if it was a movie, to present "your ideal day." In two weeks your ideas about your own potential will greatly improve, you will become more optimistic in nature. And without any doubt, run the law of attraction, and therefore greatly increase the chances that your ideal day will really come.

Fight negative thoughts

The first step to mastering this skill is to learn to notice when bad thoughts arise in your head. Unfortunately, for many this happens unconsciously and becomes the beginning of a long, as on a repetition of scrolling reflections with negative overtones. The development of mindfulness teaches "catch yourself" at such moments. To "neutralize" a bad idea, use any technique that suits you. Here are a couple of the simplest. Let's say you think that your partner does not like you anymore, because sometimes it's harsh. The first method: list all the arguments for and against. Having done this, you will most likely understand that your disturbing thought is just a fantasy. Another technique is to catch yourself on a bad thought, quickly replace it with a positive mantra or affirmation.

Remember: a difficult past does not determine the future at all

Life is cyclical - after the fall, always take off. However, if you believe that you are destined to deal only with adversity, then so be it - you will create your own "unfortunate" reality with your own hands. Experiencing difficult periods, know that they are temporary and are given for your spiritual growth. Even if the positive aspects of what happened are not immediately obvious, after a while they will necessarily make themselves felt. The ability to believe that "tomorrow will be better", to see "lessons" and new opportunities even in the most difficult situation is not stupidity at all, but a sign of healthy optimism and wisdom

Praise yourself more often

The goal of this approach is to develop a more positive self-image. To do this, you need to focus on your own success, on your achievements and even remind yourself of actions from the past that made you feel proud of yourself. Some psychologists literally offer to iron themselves

Live in the present

Pessimists, as a rule, exhaust themselves with negative memories of the past and fears about the future. They forget that life is happening here and now. It is impossible to be productive today if by thoughts you are stuck somewhere else. To train your consciousness to live in the present, try to do as many of those things as you like, and less than what burdens you. Optimism is not transmitted with genes - this skill can be developed absolutely by everyone. A positive view of things makes us not only nice and often smiling people, but also gives a happier relationship, good health and maximum satisfaction from life. Than not the arguments for a little work on yourself


Positive vibes only. Great post!

Thank you, I am pleased

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