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RE: Shooting Ourselves in the Foot by Leading with a Carrot

in #psychology8 years ago

Good stuff.

Much of our conditioning has to do with keeping up with the Joneses and impressing others. When these motivations are taken out of the equation, ultimately, we want to be productive. We want to make a difference. And when our "job" is only about the bottom line, our motivation can't really be anything internal unless we possess the character to do a great job for the reward of doing a great job.

Another aspect is that our first priority is to eat. Doing a job without some tangible reward will eventually leave us hungry. It is only after this need is met that we're able to more fully focus on the deeper rewards of our production. Even then, until we are confident where the next meal is coming from, our focus will continue to be on rewards to that end.

IOW, motivation is relative. There are too many factors to provide one static perspective.

The money comments are spot on too. Few stop to consider what money (used interchangeably with "currency" here) really is. It's merely a medium of exchange. If it's true money, then it's also a store of value. But that's another discussion. :)

When it comes down to it, the way someone views "success" will dictate their reward. The shallow successes of financial fortune are not bad, in and of themselves. But they can never be enough. If we think they are, then eventually the ends will justify the means, rather than the means being the more valuable reward.

I think I said basically the same thing you did, but from a different perspective and a slightly different emphasis. Thank you for the exercise. :)

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