April 14, 2018, 4 days to the opening Promo-Steem # The London Cryptocurrency Show #Bravo lord @stephenkendal

in #promo-steem6 years ago (edited)


greetings steemian ... how are everything? .. hopefully always be given success in their respective activities, especially in promo steem.salam for @steem-ambassador.
I welcome input entries from the steemit of all things.
I will also do promotions and give full support to master @stephenkendal, extraordinary events, #londoncryptocurrency performances in london Inggris.ini is a positive event and a good start to the world of crypto in Lonndonshow.


promotions and campaigns from @stephenkendal In Promo-Steem - The London Cryptocurrency Show. which will last 4 more days awaiting the opening of Promo-Steem #The-London-Cryptocurrency-Show.Yang will be held in the British capital.

The event held far from my country and residence aceh indonesia, the much awaited event by the steemians is: "The London Cryptocurrency Promo" I really want to attend the event, but because it is so far away, then I can only pray for acarapromo -steem is smooth and success.







Tanpa mengurangi rasa Hormat kepada anda saudara @rizalenjoy
Tolong Jangan melakukan #Plagiat terhadap isi postingan anda Ini, dan Gambar Pertama pun anda tidak menyebutkan Sumbernya,...

Postingan anda ini hampir menyalin sepenuhnya Postingan dari Anggota Komunitas #Kokamspycare Peusangan.

Dan anda menyalin Kembali dari Postingan Saudara kami dengan nama Akun @rijal123
dan Inilah Link Postingan Yang anda Ambil,


Englis Translete :

Without respect to your brother @rizalenjoy
Please Do not do #Plagiat to the content of your post This, and the First Picture you did not mention the Source, ...

Your post is almost completely copy Postings from Community Members #Kokamspycare Peusangan.

And you copied Back from your Brother Posts under Account @ rijal123
and Here is the Link Postings You Take,


Brother @rizalenjoy you type of person is not consistent in steemit. you use my image and do not have permission and do not include the source of the photo and the writing. you must know #Plagiarism is not good.

saudara @rizalenjoy anda tipe orang tidak konsisten di steemit. anda menggunakan gambar saya dan tidak memiliki izin serta tidak mencantumkan sumber foto dan tulisan tersebut. anda pasti tau #Plagiat itu tidak baik.

Hay ka ganti Ju bah gamba dan ka edit tulesan.mehan Ki flag keh..mate akun keh

You are plagiarisme.
And you are not consistence on the steemit

Saya udah apvote post saudara..
Di tuggu vote n follow balik ya..

Sama sama membantu apvote

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