Dealing with too many projects

In board games, there's a condition called Analysis Paralysis. The main symptom of AP is "locking up" or having a hard time making a decision when many options are present. I suffer from it greatly, but not just in board games. AP affects every part of my life.

I am a high energy person. I like having a lot of things to work and focus on because it affords me the opportunity to make rapid progress in a lot of areas. But sometimes I bite off more than I can chew, and some things end up being neglected. I need to avoid this in the process of working our new property. But how?

When I first started my business, I encountered the same problem. I had a lot of progress that needed to be made, and limited resources. I took the great advice of my least favorite supervisor ever, and started writing it all down.

My first step was to make a list of everything I needed. There was no order to it, I just needed to brainstorm and get things on paper. It helps me sort through my mind and focus on the task at hand when I can write it all down.

The next step was to explore costs of every part of the project. During this process, I add sub-projects. Things that I need or can do to make me the particular task more effective.

Then I prioritize the projects. This can be done by cost, by importance to other projects, or by ease. I prefer to do a little of all of them, and sometimes even make a list for each category. If there are correlations between the lists (i.e. the cheapest is also the easiest), I usually give that project a higher ranking in the final plan.

The reason I bring all this up is that I'm having a hard time with all the projects at the new house. I know I said it was a great thing to have all the projects, and it is. I'm just struggling to be efficient in my addressing of all the things that need done.

We'll be at the house tomorrow getting a leaky pipe fixed, so expect an accompanying post soon where I will actually do what I just wrote down. I just needed to clear my head about it tonight before bed.

Stay relevant y'all



Recently I had a my own battle with AP. Had a week off work, with no shortage of things I wanted to do. But as they say, “fail to plan, plan to fail” and my week ended being way less productive than it should’ve been.

At any rate, thanks for this post. Hopefully it’ll help me be more mindful of using my time more effectively.

The list thing does help a lot. The other thing I do is focus on only three projects at once. I don't consider adding more until one of the three are complete, that helps from getting too spread out. congrats on the house.

That's actually a really good idea. I'll use that approach in this process. :)

Always good to make lists. I also always try it, and writing down the list works, but it even makes it harder to pick to correct things to do first. For sure, if there is no money involved but purely time, what is needed.
But I do like your approach and if it works for you, it works for you!

Sometimes the lists aren't a good idea because you'll sit and write a list til you die lol! That would be my wife's problem for sure.

This will be a big expensive list, but the list will help a lot and include a whole lot of learning. Luckily it all contributes to the same end goal: freedom and self sufficiency.

If my wfe would start with a lists and ends it, probably my name would be all over the place 😂

Agreed. Lists are probably better left for men to create. Less strain on the marriage 😂🤣

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