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RE: People still don't know what a third world country is??

in #poverty7 years ago

I hate to break it too you but the United States is a third world country at this point in time based on the description given, we have the majority of the conditions present right now to give us third world status.
I would say we are probably one of the best third world countries but we will continue to work our way down by increasing our debt and eliminating the middle class totally. We already have an unstable government as evidenced by our current congress and president.
The very small elite class already exists, can you say 1%? and disease will continue to grow, not from lack of vaccinations, but rather the lack of money to pay for the health care treatment. Plenty of people have the insurance and can't afford to use it because of the high co-pays and deductibles.
We are there already at third world status, damn near half the country's population is on government food stamp programs. That should be enough right there, people need to quit looking at the USA for what it once was, and look at it for what it really is today.
I ditch my rose colored glasses years ago, the picture is clear as day in black and white.


I do see where you are coming from, I watched a video recently on DTube about a woman who has been diagnosed with MS. She buys her meds from iran because they are cheaper, but her consultant insists that she has to buy shots which for 12 cost her 3000 dollars a time, and if she does not then her insurance is invalidated. On top of that she pays $1100 dollars a month on insurance, how can someone even afford that, and what is the point of insurance when medicine is so high???

There are thousands of stories just like hers that are going untold, I am serious when I say we are a third world country. At one time we were the country that everyone looked too, and several people would do whatever they needed to do to get here, it isn't all it is cracked up to be now; if people take a good honest look at what is going on here.

Here's a concrete example! I used to get my meds for Lyme disease from Sri Lanka, Romania, Ecuador, Panama and India because they were way cheaper than I had to pay here, which was about $4K per month. My specialist was in U.S. so I had to cross the border to go see my doctor, because the Canadian doctors were convinced there was no Lyme in Canada and that the ticks were waiving their passport to the custom agents when crossing the border! My insurance did not cover the cost cause the meds were prescribed by a U.S. specialist, not a Canadian.

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