Monty Hall Problem and Other Ways of Using Probability Theory in Life

in #popularscience8 years ago

Hi everyone!
And again, this is Kate.

At the end of the previous article, I intrigued you with an interesting video that illustrated the fascinating problem of the probability theory. And today I would like to tell you about this phenomenon in details and also show you how to apply this theory in life and even win a little money on the roulette wheel!

Monty Hall Problem

The problem is formulated as a description of the game, based on the American TV show «Let's Make a Deal» and is named in honor of the host of this show.

enter image description here

I will repeat a description of this problem from my previous article where you can also observe fascinating video from "21" movie.

Imagine that you participate in a TV show and you have to choose one door out of three – there is a car behind one door and goats behind two others. You pick the 1st(where you think the car is standing) door but the host, who knows what's behind each door, opens another door, let it be the 3rd, and there is a goat. Then he offers you to change your initial choose saying that probably car is behind another door. Would you change your choice? (write answer in comments).

You wouldn't change your choice due to emotions or just a paranoia, am I right?

And now I’ll tell you why you should change you choice!
Almost every player think that after the moment when there only two closed-doors left and behind one of them there is your car, the chances to get it are 50-50. It is simple that when the host opens one door and offers to change your choice, he starts a new game. Whether you change your solution or not, your chances will still be equal to 50%, right?

enter image description here
NO! Certainly no. It turns out that in fact, changing your decision, you double the chances to win. Why?

The exact answer is based on conditional probability, that I'll not detail describe here. The simplest explanation for this answer is the following.

In order to win the car without changing your choice, the player must guess the right door, behind which there is a car, from the first time. The probability of this is equal to 1/3. If the player initially chooses the door, behind which there is a goat (a probability of this event is 2/3, as there are two goats and only one car), then he can definitely win a car, after changing his choice, as there is one car and one goat, and a door with a goat has already been opened by the host.

enter image description here

Thus, without changing the choice you still have got your original 1/3 probability of winning, but when you change your choice, you twice increase your chance to win the car.

Can you win the lottery or roulette with the help of probability theory?

Each of us at least once in his life has bought a lottery or played gambling games, but not all of us used a pre-planned strategy. The fact is that every event has a certain mathematical expectation, according to the probability theory, and, if you evaluate the situation correctly, it is possible to have a positive outcome and win some money. For example, when you play any roulette game, you have an opportunity to play with the 50% chance of winning, betting on an even number or on red.

enter image description here
In order to get profit, make a simple plan of the game. For example, we are able to calculate the probability of having even number 10 times in a row is 0.5 multiplied by itself 10 times

P = 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.0009765625

Multiply by 100% and we get ~ 0.097%, or about 1 chance in 1000. You won’t be able to play all these games even during all your life, so the probability of getting 10 even numbers in a row is almost equal to "0". Let’s use this tactic in a game.

But that's not all, even just 1 of 1000 - that's a lot of us, so we will reduce this number to 1 of 10 000. You may ask how this can be done?

The answer is simple - time. We wait until there are 2 even numbers in a row. This will be one of four times. Now set the minimum bid on an even number, for example, 5$, and win 5 $ for every loss of an even number, when the probability of this is 50%.

If it is odd, 2 times increase your next bid, setting up 10$. In this case, the probability of losing is equal 6%. But do not panic, if you lose even this time! Make your bid two times higher. Each time, the mathematical expectation of winning increases and you will remain in profit. It is important to know that this strategy is only suitable for small amounts of money.

Over time you will see that this method is simple in practice and very effective! This approach won’t gain you millions, but you’ll have enough money to live.

The probability of life according to fire statistics

enter image description here

Number of FiresDeaths in Fires
You can find the official US fire statistics here

In a stable system, the probability of occurrence of the event is saved from year to year (you can see it above, as numbers do not vary a lot). From the point of view of a man, this was a random event. And in terms of the system, it was predictable.

An intelligent person must try to think based on the laws of probability. But often people make decisions emotionally.

For example, people are afraid to fly by planes. Meanwhile, the most dangerous thing in flying by plane - is the road to the airport by car (statistics shows that cars are much more dangerous than planes).

According to research: in the United States in the first 3 months after the attacks of 11 September 2001 one thousand people died ... indirectly. They were frightened to fly by planes and began to move around the country by car. And since it is more dangerous, the number of deaths has increased.

I hope that now you understand how important it is to know the basics of probability theory as you can use it everywhere even playing a roulette wheel what can even bring you some money!

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With Love,


Apply these theories to Steemit. You get shown three posts. No author names or current results. Just titles, tags and the first few paragraphs. You can wager as much of your voting power you want, and if you pick the content with the best results, you win, if not, you're out your SP and have to wait to get it back.

I guess that one would be more like the Gene Rayburn approach :)

Actually it's possible to predict the popularity of the post using machine learning algorithms, e.g. neural networks that I described in previous posts. So Probability Theory can help even here

I like your research. One other particularly clever gentleman also studied probability theory on a roulette wheel. His conclusion?

Although, this won't stop me from placing the occasional wager on the Roulette table. :)

p.s - Roulette etymologoy - mid 18th century: from French, diminutive of rouelle ‘wheel’, from late Latin rotella, diminutive of Latin rota ‘wheel’.

Was a problem gambler before, suffered from it for 5 years. And I'll have to agree with Einstein. I've tried the method mentioned above, to be honest, it works real fine, giving me some comfort money on an almost daily basis, and just approx 45 minutes spent in the casino a day.

However, you just need a really bad run, or perhaps a very rare occurance of 17 Odds in the roulette table, to kill everything that you have. I'm still trying to kick the habit, and thus spending more time following cryptocurrencies. But well, probability theory can be very fun indeed.

Very nice quote.
Einstein made a great contribution in developing this area of math. Sometimes it's okay to gamble, just for fun. But obviously it shouldn't turn into a habitat

Very, very clever. As a probable thinker, I have to say this is highly informative. :)

Thanks a lot. Stay tuned to learn more about popular science)

You have interesting posts that are very informative and not the usual information I usually encounter. I definitely need to start following your posts.

Thanks for the praise. I'm extremely glad you like my posts. Follow me to learn more

I have never thought about the roulette table stuff. Interesting! :)

lol, Now you can bet all your money.
I'm kidding of course

Well, no thanks. But I may try it the next time I go to a casino (which happens once every ten years :) )

Wonderful post from pretty mathematician

Thanks, you flatter me)

Really interesting post and creates a lot of questions. Thank you for proving all the statistics as well.

Alla, thanks for the reply.
Follow me to scoop up some useful info out of my posts)

heheh yeah for sure! will do!

Your roulette advice is completely wrong, in several ways.

First, you're repeating the Gambler's Fallacy, the idea that an outcome is influenced by previous outcomes. If you flip a coin three times, and get heads each time, what are the odds that the next one will come up heads? 50%, the same as it was for all of the previous flips. The only casino game where past events affect the current game is Blackjack, and casinos reduce that effect dramatically by dealing from a six-deck shoe.

Secondly, your idea of doubling up has led many gamblers to the poor house. For instance, if you lose ten dollars, you then bet twenty. You're now betting twenty dollars to win back your original ten. If you lose again, you bet forty, which is still chasing the original ten bucks. Then 80, and so on, all the time chasing that first ten dollars. If you could bet an infinite number of times, without running out of chips, you could eventually win your ten bucks back. Except for one little thing that will always prevent you from doing that - the house limit, which is in place to make this impossible. Once you hit the limit for that table, your money is gone, and you don't have a chance to keep doing this to recover it. Over time you will see that this method is simple in practice and very effective! This approach won’t gain you millions, but you’ll have enough money to live. No, you won't. You'll be broke.

But worst of all, you're ignorant of the very basic rules of roulette. For example, when you play any roulette game, you have an opportunity to play with the 50% chance of winning, betting on an even number or on red. Wrong wrong wrong. The numbers are not divided 50/50 between odd and even, or black and red. There are two green numbers on the wheel, 0 and 00. They give the house unbeatable odds, and make Roulette one of the worst paying games in the casino.

Seriously, you could have learned all of this in about ten minutes on Google. Maybe five.

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