Climate Warfare, Mineral Resources & The Industrialized Military Complex 🇺🇸

in #politics7 years ago

True To The Core

Non Of Us Are Helpless To Affect The Greater Good & The Potential Of Awakened Collective Conciousness Can Never Be Underestimated

Hey Steemians, hope y'all are doing great and having a positive week. Today the topic of this post as seen is something I'm passionate about and I try hard to get actual facts on what is going on, on a global scale rather than some BS unfounded conspiracy theories out there. Also we sometimes tend to brand something a conspiracy theory when we don't understand it or refuse to understand it even when there are actual facts to support it. We can safely say that the individual or group of people who blindly refuse to see factual truth as people who suffers from extreme blindness of the mind and an unparalleled stupidity of the heart.


Climate engineering going on around the world is baffling and extremely dangerous to the survival of our planet. John F Kennedy talked about this in 1961 and remember when he also said that Secrecy is Repugnant to any nation that has a Free and Open Society?. Well any intellectual person knows that the Dangers of excessive and unwarranted Concealment far outweighs the dangers which are sided to justify it. Climate engineering is something that has been going on alot for the past decade atleast and the effects are visible all around us especially with our weather.
The Nano particles of highly toxic metals that are dumped in our atmosphere is having a nasty effect on us, our weather, plants and animals and our oceans. Whether you call it Chemtrails or geoengineering it doesn't matter but it's being done right under our noses and many are blind to it. If you don't believe me then Do your own research, try typing Aluminum Bees and see what you get. Massive Aluminum contamination in our oceans is also affecting whales, recently a lot of them got stranded and died in Cape Cod. The company which supplies and is in charge of these toxic metals in our atmosphere is the American Elements Corporation.
Our planets Web Of Life is being exploited by the human race and of course vile elites with selfish reasons and we are seeing the deadly consequences that come after all around us.
According to the people who follow weather events like hurricanes and climate engineering, they say that people who work for the governments and are scientists and engineers that they can actually make a hurricane bigger and stronger or smaller and weaker depending but I'm not sure if this is true until I do more research and get more concrete facts.

Remember hurricane Harvey /Irma the way they devastated Texas and Florida? The expert on climate engineering said during supply of relief to people who were affected, there was some politics involved before some people got their Hurricane relief, he said in Dickerson Texas as a matter of fact by American Civil Liberty Union people had to fill in an application form before they get their relief fund. In the relief fund application you had to state and confirm a Loyalty Oath that you shall not boycott Israel no matter what. Wtf has that got to do with anything and for F sakes the people of that town have really suffered a lot, just give them their relief funds and let them continue their lives, but no they had to fill it and confirm their LOYALTY OATH to Israel. If you don't believe me or the person who said this then type Dickenson Texas Hurricane relief fund and check for the application form if you can see it, This unfortunate circumstance was said and confirmed by American Civil Liberty Union. Jesus, how humans have stooped so low with no compassion whatsoever in this case shocked me.


War Against Nature Is War Against Ourselves

Contamination of oceans and excessive use of things like Sonar by submarines and ships has in more ways than one affected migratory patterns of whales and dolphins thus seing more beached whales past few years than ever before. US Navy knows by using alot of it's technology and ammunition it would kill many marine life but still went on to even use depleted uranium in it's arsenal for the purpose of practice and drills, depleted uranium has a half life of 4.5 billion years. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the US wants to allow unlimited dumping of Fracking waste water to be dumped into the Gulf of Mexico, same EPA wanted to reverse the critical Clean energy policy in favor of burning more Coal and I'm pretty sure they are still doing it.
Did you know because of all this spraying of toxic chemicals into our atmosphere that in US & Germany the population of flying insects has plunged by three quarters or 75%? Poof dissappeared! Did you know in terms of population insects amount to 2/3rds of life on our planet? I didn't but now I do because I never thought of it in that context. Despite all this there are many Environmental groups that reject climate change but fully support climate engineering to mitigate climate change, go figure.

Pollution Kills 9 million People every Year
Again Find Out What You Don't Know by Doing your own honest research


The Military Industrial Complex Demon Of The American Empire

Now let's talk about the biggest threat to life & our world which is the Industrial Military Complex. In this section of the post I will give you facts which are known by many and is something you can find out for yourself easily on the right factual sites of the internet and You Tube but not on Fox & Friends/MSNBC retards news network sites and/or MSM.

One most important thing to remember in this section is Mineral Resources which will be seen directly linked to most conflicts/wars that have taken place and the ones coming up soon to screens near you.
What Countries are in the cross hairs with the US Military and are those countries rich in Minerals?


The reason why I mentioned minerals is as you know if a country is rich in it and other natural resources you'd likely find that there will always be instability or even wars waged on such nations by the very few prostitutes elites with their demonic agenda on innocent human beings.

The countries that currently the US and some of its fecal allies wants to invade are North Korea, Philippines, Syria, Iran and some countries like Niger and 2 to 3 others on the west coast of Africa where they haven't dug in their tentacles deep enough.
North Korea has a untouched Mineral Resources worth $6 Trillion, yes you heard right, it's trillion not billions. Industrial military complex, the Zionist Wallstreet and the elites of these countries all want in. This Trump and American news networks rhetoric ain't about nuclear weapons, not even close. South Korea knows exactly what North Korea has and they are being used like pawns by the US so that may be they might get a piece of the pie too ofcourse the industrial military complex will get the majority of the pie.


Iran I'd say is the richest on the list because it has got immense reserves of gas, Infact Iran, Syria and Qatar have ridiculous amounts of it from any and every country in all directions. With Iran it has a lot of minerals and other precious stones but exactly how much is something I'd like to to dig in deeper and try to find out, also look at the map you'd see Iran is strategically placed because on the left is gateway to Arabian peninsula and on the right side its gateway to far east. Did you know Iran hasn't invaded or occupied any sovereign nation for the past 230yrs but in the same time frame America has invaded, occupied and intervened in 100 nations in total. Whose the terrorist now? Whose the one who turned the world to become unstable across all directions? US & Zionist Israel that's who. Hey don't believe me? Do your own research and let's all stop the hypocrisy.

Syria has been destroyed mostly by ISIS and US, like the bombing of Raqqa by US forces was inhumane, killing innocent civilians in huge numbers and carpet bombing mad sure the whole town was destroyed, now imagine if that was done to your town or country, would you just shrug it of and pretend all is peachy? I don't think so, and of course Assad and Putin fought the damn terrorists all by themselves and succeeded while US looked like a fool who was supporting and sponsoring militias and some of the ISIS terrorists. Common we saw few videos that are actually authentic and caught US Airforce dropping ammunitions in areas infested with those fuckin leeches ISIS. Never did you see ISIS attacking Israel or US posts in Syria and yet they were close neighbors. It is known that the generals and top soldiers of ISIS who were injured in battle were flown or driven in and treated by Israel in the Golan heights.
Syria also has plenty of gas and has a few mineral resources too.
Philippines too is on cross heirs with US, why? It's because the US has occupied the whole area around its peninsula and it wants the total control of that peninsula which is strategic to its agenda for China and others in the area. Boy did Trump and Obama fuck with the wrong person, non other than the craziest president I've seen, Philippines own Mr Duterte, he's a hero to his people because he put his people and their agendas first and not of the western world. Philippines has around a $2 billion in minerals, though it might not seem much to many but it belongs to philippinos and not anyone else. Two weeks ago he told the CIA on television and I quote: 'Kill me or get the fuck out of my country' end of quote. He told them on national television then he went on to tell European countries that you either give me the loan my country is requesting but don't put restrictions on what I and Philippines can or cannot do, he said we are way past colonial times. He also asked the European countries who have embassies there not to put restrictions on him and his people because it's a sovereign nation, if they can't do that he asked them to pack their bags and leave his country asap. This Duterte is my hero too, hehehe, the man doesn't give a F about anybody else except his people and his country and that is honor & respect in one.


Afghanistan is another one, even after 16 years of occupation by US and its allies the war there hasn't ended, making it another failure of US unwanted wars. Now of course the US wants to extend its occupation indefinitely because of snooping and keeping an eye on Russia but most importantly the opium business brings in Millions of dollars every year and military complex and deep state and its relatives (other intelligence agencies) needs that that money to continue destroying countries and it's peoples for purposes of looting minerals and other natural resources which in Afghanistans case it has $1 trillion in minerals and without counting the rest of its resources.
We all know that Obama was called the King of Drones but little did I know that according to facts out there that Trump has actually killed more civilians with drones in the past nine months than Obama did in 8 years yet still Obama won the Nobel prize. What has this world come to? If you recall in news sources awhile back Trump said he would kill terrorists and theirs families without thinking twice about collateral damage and yes he did, the number of civilians killed so far since he took power is 4500.

One of the most targeted individuals by CIA was Fidel Castro but I had no clue it reached 600 failed attempts. Here's how many from the sitting presidents of US at the time : 38x by Eisenhower, 42x by JFK, 72x by L. Johnson, 184x by R. Nixon, 64x J. Carter, 197x by R Reagan, 16x by GW Bush and 21x by Clinton. This was definitely shocking to me.

There's a lot of US troops in Africa too, from East Africa to the South, West and North. There are a few military bases in East Africa which I have seen since I am from this region. I think in West Africa they work with African troops themselves and are known as AFRICOM.

The horrific terrorist attack in Somalia recently which claimed the lives of more than 300 people , the person who was responsible for it was of course a Somali and in the Somalia army. Apparently according to reports he was a former US soldier too but returned to his his own country when it had become stable, I think he had dual citizenship of US and Somalia. What motivated his action was apparently in August this year his home town in Somalia was raided by local troops and US special forces where 10 innocent civilians died and that was his motive. He bombed the hotel where a lot of Somali politicians attending a function and some foreigners were also there. It is disheartening to see innocent people loosing their lives because of some greedy politicians who send their armies to other people's countries to carry out atrocities. Very sad that such things take place till today and are only getting worse.

Another good point from this all is to ask yourself this: What IF some troops from Africa or Middle East went to the US and killed innocent civilians? What will the US do to the foreign countries where these troops were from? I honestly believe the US government and their troops would blow a crater out of each and every country where those troops were from. Don't you think so?


Let's not be fuckin hypocrites, the US is bombing many sovereign nations around the world and killing countless civilians and yet they have the right of calling others terrorists? They are the real terrorists and terrorist breeders, call it as you see it.

To be honest, a lot of Americans sons and daughters are being used as slaves and sent to fight proxy wars for the Zionists Israhell and unfortunately many die, going to fight for your country not knowing the reason and why or how those people wronged you is wrong in itself. You're not a patriot nor respecting the flag by going to fight wars because of the few elites and a tiny country commanding you, you are actually disrespecting HUMANITY by doing such vile acts of taking innocent lives more than the few stupid evil terrorists you actually manage to kill. Always ask yourself if you are in an army of any place am I right to go kill innocent people who have never directly wronged you? Of course you have to defend, protect and stand up for your country and its citizens but are you doing it in a truthful or honest way by knowing who your enemies really are and why are you going to a certain country to wage war on them? I don't have the answer to that question but you need to have it.

If You Really Care About Morality Then Do Your Own Honest Investigation

Thanks for reading everyone and I hope you enjoyed and liked it. See you on the next post. Cheers & KEEP ON STEEMIN. PEACE! ✌


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