Houston area Lady arrested for "FUCK TRUMP" sticker.

in #politics7 years ago

1st Amendment

Apparently the freest country in the world is slowly losing it's freedoms. The current climate in the unUNITED STATES has been daunting at best. As you guys know, I am a huge gun fan and 2nd amendment supporter. I am also a huge supporter of the 1st amendment which is the corner stone of a free society. NFL'ers are being told that they can't or shouldn't kneel during the national anthem. Antifa tells ultra right wing speakers that they can't be heard. The current administration doesn't seem to support the principles of freedom of speech either and it's trickling down into the local climate.

This lady's truck picture was posted on social media by the Fort Bend Sheriff's Official Profile stating that they wanted to charge her with Disorderly Conduct. After the story garnered national attention yesterday, she was mysteriously charged with fraud and arrested. You do the math.

Original Story


Try putting up an "It's okay to be white" sign. Why is it okay to protest that, take it down, etc and still think free speech is protected, but it is not okay to challenge this Trump sign.

Honestly, I believe strongly in free speech. Whether it is for Trump, Against Trump, For Black People,Against Black People, For White People, or Against White People.

You either want free speech or you don't. If you think some things are okay and others are not then you don't want free speech.

Now as to this sign. Due to the profanity (notice FCC and such bans such things from radio and have for a very long time) it may have run afoul of local ordinances. I don't know. I see so many anti-Trump things and people calling to kill him, shoot him, etc that are not censored that I don't see this case as the end of the world.

I am more outraged by the people that claim to be anti-racist who attack white people. They really have no clue what racism is.

We need to all become color blind when it comes to skin.

I agree wholeheartedly in the 1st amendment whether it is pro or anti me. When W was in office it was no different. Obama's presidency brought the worst out of some people as well. There is no Trump phenomenon, this is the state of our country unfortunately. For some reason, we tend to stand very much divided these last few decades. Makes me wonder if we were ever truly united as a country considering the Civil War happened less than a century after the American Revolution. 🤔

I don't think any country can EVER be completely united. Ultimately we are all individuals. The nature of Government is to restrict what individuals are permitted to do. That may not be the stated goal, but that is what happens. It ends up being some individuals that get into a position where they can change things they don't like, whether other people agree or not. Yet because, it is part of government it can be forced on people.

Ultimately I am not a fan of government. I believe we would be better without it. Yet I also think we need to awaken some minds and get people back into using critical thinking before we could live without it.

Non-Aggression Principle, coupled with Free Market Contracting, and a good share of voluntary crowd sourcing and I think we could solve most problems with far less waste and corruption than this thing we call government.

Of course that is my long term goal. I don't expect it to happen in my lifetime, but I can dream and push towards that.

Yes volunteerism is the nature of humanity. We saw this and participated during hurricane Harvey. This was all sans-govt which was useless. LAISSEZ FAIRE

I agree 1000%....Color blind...

Unless it's Silver lol

LOL now that might be different ;-)

DISCLAIMER... as long as Texas is here, America will be the greatest country in the world. See how they indoctrinate us here? 🤠😉✊

Texas is a country.. And we have not forgotten that.

I was born there and immigrated to Colorado when I was 5.

Not the least bit surprised that the authorities would come up with some bullshit trumped up (no pun intended!) charges for this person. But these basic freedoms recognized in the Constitution over 200 years ago evaporated long before Trump showed up in the White House. "Land of the Free" is nothing but a sad joke anymore.

I knew I liked you lol.

Free speech has become when politicians don't get paid to speak!

Free speech is under threat in the US.
She needs to go to court, find a good lawyer and sue this town's authorities.
Freedoms need to be defended from the government.

Sue the town's authorities using the court system run by those same authorities? Good luck getting an unbiased outcome there!

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