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RE: Germans flock to only three-year-old far right party the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland)

in #politics7 years ago

"The AfD run on a platform of anti-immigration and extremely socially conservative views. They want to end all migration to Germany, and end same-sex marriage and adoptions by gay couples."

While these may be considered 'far right' views currently in the MSM, they are core values of family oriented people, who are not far right, but quite in the middle of the maelstrom.

Given the economic integration, or rather the failure of it to occur, of extant immigrants to Germany, it seems only reasonable to quit importing immigrants, until the country can assimilate those that have already come, and remain without work, on welfare.

If that's a political agenda at all, call me a whatever you want. I just think it's reasonable to want to preserve the culture which, presumably, the German people have created of the values they hold dear. Massive influxes of immigrants that do not adopt that culture is a problem that more immigrants that won't assimilate will only make worse.

Regarding same sex unions and adoptions, I reckon those are far left positions, and not agreeing with them doesn't jam someone on the opposite end of the spectrum. Most people think kids should be raised by their biological parents, who, by necessity, are of opposite sex, or in families similarly composed.

Just because the far left has been constantly promoted by media doesn't make it centrist. It's radical, and many find it dangerous and contrary to the values of the German people and their culture.

That would explain the rapid emergence of the AfD.

It doesn't explain the bizarre behaviour of the successful AfD candidate. Blackmail might, though. Or other threats.

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