In Raging Tweetstorm, Trump Sasys Russians Are "Laughing Their Asses Off"

in #politics7 years ago

After excoriating the FBI for failing to act on multiple tips about "professional school shooter" Nikolas Cruz's murderous intentions, and criticizing National Security Adviser HR McMaster over his Russia collusion comments, President Donald Trump shifted his focus toward one of his favorite targets, House Intelligence Committee ranking member Adam Schiff, whom he "congratulated" for finally acknowledging that the Obama administration is responsible for any attempted interference by Russia during the 2016 election.

In one of his more memorable turns of phrase, Trump lauded "Liddle Adam Schiff", whom he branded the "leakin monster of no control", for finally "blaming the Obama Administration for Russian meddling in the 2016 Election. He is finally right about something. Obama was President, knew of the threat, and did nothing. Thank you Adam!"

Trump also expressed his amazement that nobody in federal law enforcement or Congress tried to stop the Obama administration from handing over nearly $2 billion in cash to Iran. The cash transfers were first reported by the Wall Street Journal in September 2016. The administration defended its actions by saying it was merely returning the money, which belonged to Iranian entities, but had been frozen because of sanctions.


He certainly has disappointed in many ways, but he’s still better than Hillary "the evil bitch" Clinton. Better than Barrack "the corrupt commie" Obama. Better than George W. "pull it and bomb ‘em" Bush. Better than Bill "the rapist" Clinton. Better than George H.W. "CIA NWO" Bush.

So, as ridiculous as this may sound, so far he’s the best President we’ve had in at least 25 years.

Take no shit Donald ! Blast 'em.

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