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RE: Will Mark Zuckerberg Use Mind Control to Become President of the United States?

in #politics7 years ago

I couldn't pin point but there is something that I should be wary about them in a certain degree. Sure thing that they've change our lives thru their innovative products and services that makes out lives simple and better but then as it goes by that people have become overly reliant to technology (as if their lives depend on it rather mindlessly) that constant disruption have occur every now and then.

Coming from with special needs (I have Aspergers), I can't help but felt despair of sorts for them (people with special needs especially with the low functioning ones) and wonder how can they offer or to be productive people to society if every job that was available to them was completely wipe out (based on their capacity). You can't just say that universal basic income is the solution to this because there is always strings attached. You can't just say government will help them because they were the ones whom they're making needless rules and regulations that discourages to create new businesses and hire more people (due to the fact that it expensive to maintain an employee) And can't just say that there always jobs created, true that jobs will be created but these jobs required qualifications that was way beyond their capacity which is impossible.

There is no easy solutions especially that governments who ran on funny fiat currency as if it has power to control the average person which is why that I'll do everything to not being overly reliant to these entities. Going back regarding with Mark's speech that I felt that I'm going to throw up (impressive at the same time terrifying) along with the invasive surveillance that I must be away from them.


Thanks for responding. You might enjoy reading the links in my post regarding AI and UBI. I think there are ways we can do good things without government and it's use of violent threats. I think there's hope. There are ways we can improve the world.

I did although that I can see certain reason "it needs to be done" it's just that relying on UBI makes me felt that the system is my master which I will not going to take that route (even if it kills me). I'm just starting about journey toward independence.

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