A Growing Effort To Scale Back Occupational Licensing Across The US

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

All around the US, there is growing pressure to reconsider thousands of unnecessary, useless, and harmful occupational licensing rules.

Occupational licensing schemes arguably work to keep millions of jobs out of the market, they enable the government to determine which businesses should be allowed to serve the public, rather than leaving that determination up to the people.

That isn't how it should be, the government shouldn't be the one deciding how many taxi businesses we need in a town, who can provide tour guide services in a region, or who should be allowed to sell from their food truck etc.

Let The Market Decide

The people should have the freedom to vote for what businesses succeed or fail, by shopping there with their dollars or withdrawing their support when they want to see a business fail. And when the government works to keep people from entering the labor market with these rules, and they restrict them from being able to access various services, it limits competition and it does so at the expense of what's best for the individual.

By limiting opportunity, these rules keep standards of living low, quality low, and prices high.

Not only that, they also fuel unfair business environments and they don't offer any more safety in-return for the violations to individual liberty that they require.

This is why there are efforts ongoing in various regions to scale back these rules. Lawmakers have been looking to re-examine their occupational licensing rules and where possible, they are allegedly seeking to reduce and remove them in an effort to spur economic growth and competition.

In areas like New Mexico and Mississippi, lawmakers have stated that they are newly dedicated to reviewing these occupational licensing restrictions.

In Mississippi, they are reportedly leading the charge on this effort, by aiming to drastically scale back their own occupational licensing rules that are on the books. In that region, state officials have recently established a occupational licensing review commission that is tasked with reviewing newly proposed occupational licensing regulations. They will have the authority to either modify those rules, veto them, or approve them. They have suggested that their intentions are to increase economic opportunities for the people and foster market competition, and that means rolling back government and fostering freedom by abandoning as many occupational licensing rules as they can.

It's never in the best interest of the people to violate their liberty and attempt to infringe upon or prevent voluntary exchanges from taking place, for the sake of 'protecting them'.


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Let freedom ring!

Again I feel informed and angry at the end of one of your posts ;)

Scaling back the rules would make it easier for people to enter the realm of competing to deliver a service would it not? I can't see government ever working to create less government either but I guess we shall see what the result is.

Competition is just better in a free enterprise system.

"It's never in the best interest of the people to violate their liberty . . . for the sake of 'protecting them'."

No, it's not in the peoples best interest, it's in the best interest of the ego-maniacal psychopaths in power who hurt, oppress, or kill for fun or for profit and who seek to maintain and expand the status quo of power, profit, and control.

the state should not put limitations on those people who want to work and get ahead with their efforts, while they are licensed and everything in order I do not see any problems

Governments and their limitations that often do not favor anyone

The truth is that the news does not surprise me, it is not uncommon for governments to want to put work limitations on people
Thank you very much for sharing this information
I wish you a great day dear friend @doitvoluntarily

The government should not be so strict on people wanting to give some service because with their policy of strict regulation only big businesses will flourish and command higher prices, the people suffer because there will no competition. @doitvoluntarily

it is demonstrated that the more restrictions the government wants to implement, there will be less free market and in the end only the users and the merchants will be the most affected.

A license is, by definition, permission to do something illegal. The fact that people accept government making entrepreneurial activity "illegal" should give one pause.

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