
Whether or not it's a 14th ammendment issue is up for debate (apparently the people who chose the wording did so intentionally to prevent it from applying to Native Americans).

However, Constitutional or not, this entire thing is bullshit. He is looking for excuses to question the citizenship of anyone who he doesn't deam American enough. :/

Whether what they are calling "birthright citizenship" is removed via EO or legislation (I am pretty sure one or the other will happen if they aren't stopped somehow) it will make its way to the Supreme Court, where it may or may not be overturned. :/

So, whether it violates the 14th Amment or not, it is still Facism in action. It is still an unexcusable act. It is something that violates the very idea of what most of us think of as American values. :/


Posted using Partiko Android

Yo! I just made a short post posing a question about US fascism. I think you're my target audience! Would you mind taking a look?

I think he’s trying to save America from falling into an abyss

By taking a flying leap instead of a fall?

I honestly don’t understand what you meant. please explain, if you don’t mind. 😁

Simple. He's taking a flying leap into the abyss and dragging us with him as our head of state.

The is nothing noble, honorable, or even useful about his actions.

Yes, I can understand what MSM has been preaching. Me, personally, I just grab a bowl of popcorn and watch how MSM is spinning things. I don’t take any sides but love the drama emploding. Go USA!

Genocide and torture of american citizens isbt something ""MSM"" or Trump care about stopping, you fascist bootlicking goon

Posted using Partiko Android

America is great, isn’t it? Again, I’m not taking sides. Just observing.

America is a fascist hellhole

Posted using Partiko Android

"Not Taking Sides" is effectively siding with those who hold power.

When the shit hits the fan, there is no sideline.

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