Ljubiša Preletačević Beli - Fictional Character as Presidential Candidate

in #politics6 years ago

My video from a rally few days before Presidential elections.
Every time i find the reason to check this video and photos that i make that day i get a feeling that maybe it is not all fucked up. I remember all that smiling faces that came there to support one crazy idea knowing that even this is not that crazy as our political system.

▶️ DTube

Da on je bio neki cudan momenat u celoj ludilo prici..e sad kako i gde se zavrsilo @bil.prag..

ja sam naivan i i dalje mislim da je sve bilo spontano, jednostavno nije moglo da traje. kad god pogledam fotke vidim neku pozitivnu energiju i mislim se da ima jos normalnih ljudi...

Ima ih @bil-prag, ali vecina se povukla u pecine, ako nije vec odavno zbrisala napolje. Svo vreme mi se vrte ove tvoje fotke po glavi i mislim da si me potakao da napisem jedan super dugacak post.

nemam pojma jel to sto sam te potakao da napises post plus ili minus :)

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