Satirically Yours S1E25: Cersei Lannister to Debate The Governor in tonight's Presidential Debate

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

In this evening's live scheduled debate two epic villains are set to debate for our nation's future.  Representing the red team we have "The Governor" and representing the blue team we have Cersei Lannister.

General rules of the debate include:

  1. No outright murder of the other candidate by poison, gunshot, zombie infection, or general explosives.  
  2. Candidates must stand at their podiums and may not use armed or armored guards to subdue their opponents (this also includes living, dead, and reanimated guards).
  3. No sacrificing debate onlookers for political points or to hide private commentary not meant to be released to the public.
  4. Candidates will have 90 minutes to debate with questions alternating between them.  Only perspectives from these two candidates will be allowed (Captain Planet and the Big Lebowski will not be allowed to participate).

Captain Planet and Big Lebowski react to debate exclusion.

In general it's believed that Cersei will bring up a number of policy points.  She's concerned about the massive debt the nation faces.  She's concerned about the number of impoverished citizens living in castle walls.  She's a family first candidate and wants to ensure that her family continues to progress in leadership positions.  She wants to see women gain traction in the world and fight religious intolerance.

The Governor is expected to bring up several instances where she outright murders her political opponents sometimes in mass casualty events.  He will likely discuss her hawkish policies.  He will likely discuss the general lack of trust in the statements she makes outwardly vs the actions she takes privately.  Many are concerned how she's exposed some of the highest kept state secrets through her careless use of ravens.

The Governor is thought to bring up national defense and security.  He's concerned about the droves of dangerous plague infested zombies to the south and thinks border controls are necessary to safeguard the nation.  He will talk about he will be tough on crime and use all necessary force to root out potential domestic threats.  He will talk about the glory days of a post-infection world where people can still live in peace and harmony under a watchful and highly armed eye.

Many believe that Cersei will talk about how some of his previous ventures have failed.  She'll discuss his unusual habits including keeping severed heads in his private living quarters.  She'll talk about his xenophobic behavior patterns. She'll also discuss how he appears to not have concrete plans, but instead just makes up his approach as he moves along following whatever path leads to his highest personal gains.

The stakes are high and Satirically Yours waits with anticipation to see which villain the American people will elect.


Thank you this made me laugh. I was wondering if Cersei will be bringing up her relationship with her significant other (Kingslayer) and his ability to help her rule the kingdom. Unless of course he is too busy raising money from various kingdoms who want favors from the queen.

Except you know... The governor is a racist, bigoted, cheauvanist who at best is a failed business man and at worst a complete fraud & asshole.

I know I sound angry... But please please please watch this:

A measured comparison of their scandals.

The actual problem is satirically speaking neither of these miscreants should be president or hold any other public office. Since they both have vast fortunes now, why not leave the rest of us alone and let someone who can actually help us lead this country. I do not understand how anybody not connected in the "Deep State" or "Shadow Government" would want Cersei as President. I am guessing they are using her to get elected because of her gender since it worked so well with the last President. It scares me where this country is going. Enough sadness for one day.

Did you watch the video?

Yes, I hope you don't look at John Oliver as a beacon of truth and full disclosure. To make the piece funny it skips details to make jokes. I actually laughed a few times. Deez the truth!

No I don't think he's the "beacon of truth." But then, I had read a respectable conservative newspaper:
Already and knew that everything John just said was the truth.

So, I guess John accomplished one thing... Got you to atleaast hear all the scandals that trump is part of...Because I mean... The "regular media" certainly isn't getting you to.

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