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RE: GCHQ Warns Of A Category 1 Cyber Attack Coming Soon - Episode 1384b

in #political7 years ago (edited)

Thanks Dave,
You are on the mark as usual. I recommend to anyone to go back through the history of your videos and get caught up on anything missed it is so worth it. I hope your donations are pouring in !!

My opinion:
As for the Kurds, they definitely should not be allowed their independence as long as the Cabal is behind the push for it because their motives are never good. My question is what if the Kurds did get their independence would they really truly be independent?
I think not. The promise of independence is probably nothing more than a carrot that they can never truly have. Too bad they cannot work with Turkey and Russia etc.. to help strengthen the wall that will keep the Neocons and the Western Central Bankers in check.

A Kurdistan under the control of the Cabal would weaken Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Russia and right now with Turkey's hand hold over NATO it seems to keep the balance and keep the Cabal and the Deep State weak. I hope these Nation Building Countries come together tightly and set a much better example for the world.
I welcome any correction!

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