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RE: Ten Reasons I Don't Trust the Police

I think it was a comedian, and he said it best

When you see a cop car behind you, you think, oh shit.
You don't think, ahhh, i feel safer.

And that, is the core of the issue.

That is what we, as a society, need to demand of police.

Now, the core issue of why the police are an evil organization is that their actual tenants, what they actually are not what is said on the tin.

The are "police officers"
In other words, officers of the court.

Police and the courts should be separate.
One has to judge on the actions of the other.
Of course, the police and judges see each other and work with each other daily, but our current system is that the two are in bed with each other.

And the court has decided it is a money making operation.
And, that is what it has always been.
The court is an area in which the banks play their game. (like a basketball court)

So, the police, and the judges can never be what we expect of them, what the PR tells us they are. They are evil, by their very nature/structure.


I don't think there's really anything to the various theories about maritime law vs. common law, courts as a game, etc. It's just corruption and abuse through and through, and they do whatever they want.

The proof is in the pudding.

You learn a theory and then see if it applies in practice.
And, if you follow the money, ALL the money, you find that it runs back to the banks.

So, i choose to use that model, because it works better.

Else, i would have to try to believe that something that started off as justice, turned into anti-justice through and through in every way.
Its easier to believe that the things started off corrupt, and just grew into what it was designed to be.

(The story of the FED is a lot easier to follow and along the exact same lines)

But, what this gets to is that the system doesn't need a little tweak, it needs a ground up rebuilding.

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