'Walking in Moonlight White' > Collection of Poems

in #poetry7 years ago

Robyn Eggs and Toast Presents:


"Walking in Moonlight White - Sick Volume 5"

Robyn Eggs
with a sprinkling of love...

1rst EDITION. September 25, 2017

Robyn Eggs and Toast
robyneggsandtoast @ gmail.com


Walking in Moonlight White
Sick Volume 5
Copyright © 2017 by Robyn Eggs
All Rights Reserved. Not for reproduction or republication.
*Expressly written permission may be obtained from the publisher (at the above email address) for personal use. A 50 STEEM deposit will be required.

Table of Contents

  1. Moonlight White
  2. Once I Went Walking
  3. Like A Balloon
  4. Stars Are Filled
  5. Bubbles Burst
  6. I Am The Crier
  7. Burning Log
  8. Palm Fronds
  9. The Sky Crushes
  10. Nonsense
  11. I Am Soulmate
  12. I Am Butterfly
  13. I Am Beautiful
  14. I Am Connected
  15. I Am Floating

Moonlight White

And when it pours over me
Like light
I dream in harmony
About white
And when I walk at night
The sky is light
Moonlight white
by @robyneggs


Once I Went Walking

Once I went walking
And never came back
Struck by lightning
Without tact
Now that I’m on the other side
I’ve a different tone
Certain laws I abide
I don’t just go walking
Never stopping and talking
For fear of lightning
by @robyneggs


Like a Balloon

Floating like a balloon
Up until I burst
A red, round balloon
And when I go over the sea
Without the moon
I shrivel and implode
Without the light of the moon
Held by a child’s hand
That let go so soon
So sweet and mild
Floating away too soon
Caressing the clouds
Which are strewn
About my string
Throughout which my world is strewn
If I had a voice
Oh how I would sing a tune
Like my bird companions
And children dancing to a tune
Break free of the boundaries
Of this red cocoon
I wish, but without my string
A caterpillar’s cocoon
by @robyneggs


Stars Are Filled

Star are filled with room
Rooms are filled with stars
And they descend from ceilings
To surround you with their presence
Your starry eyes are glimmering
As you stare up at me
Falling into your arms
by @robyneggs


Bubbles Burst

Bubbles burst on the surface
If I perchance misplace
What I am, we are
Together we lose and lift
To the surface
Shoes are to cushion
As we walk upon the upheld
Pearls, hearts, and stones
Whitened bones of
Old Mr. Jones
Can grow toward light
But reach the purpose, no
by @robyneggs


I Am the Crier

The one I love
The one I treasure
Who is my treasure
Who loves me
Like a dove
High above
I am surrounded
By your love
My heart has wings
To lift me higher
The one I love
Together we won’t tire
Our life consists of
Unlimited measure
I am the crier
by @robyneggs


Burning Log

And draped over with fog
To shield one’s sight
Reveal the burning wrong
To calm one’s plight
Burst into song
And rejoice long
Because one is no longer covered
And one is no longer smothered
By the smog
From the burning log
by @robyneggs


Palm Fronds

Palm fronds reach
Out to the sun’s direction
And they teach
Continual motion
Washed away
And saved like a mountain
For another day
To what does this pertain?
I want to dip my fingers
Into nature to paint
What’s expressed by singers
That do not hate
And the hot of the desert
Causes the outstretched fronds
To wilt and so I desert
Their teachings and bonds
by @robyneggs


The Sky Crushes

The sky crushes the horizon
And the mountains collapse
Crystals accumulate
Completely covering
The blackened crows
Lying about the cumulus
And what could there ever be
That hid in the cold ground
But the corroded cusp
Of a carrot calling out for help

The waters create rapids
For the canoeing soul
That careens about the lake
And in the oven sits the cake
The pale color of its implosion
It fell in from the collected
Compliancy of culinary chefs
And as the crickets sing their
Collaborative opera the
Croak of frogs is carried
Over the cave’s roof
Time’s corner where communicative
Rocks caper about the correctional
Hermits inside their shells causing
Combative calculations
The sky crushes the horizon
by @robyneggs



Sparklety warklety
Would you like some tea
While you bathe in the hot sea
Sparklook warklook
How are you enjoying your book
When about you, you look
Sparkler warkler
You’re drifting farther
Without a single bother
Sparkmeat warkmeat
Would you take your seat
So we can finally meet
Sparkleaf warleaf
You tend to cause such grief
When you question the belief
Sparktime warktime
That I am not mine
And that sharks don’t have a spine
Dparkend warkend
Would you please spend
Time here in reality ‘til the end?
by @robyneggs


I Am Soul-Mate

I am friend
I see when he needs help
I think often about
I hear what doesn’t say
I feel him comforting me
I am friend

I am soul-mate
I hope him and I will be together always
I dream of being with
I wish him to be happy
I sense when he feels wrong
I am soul-mate

I am lover
I will be dedicated to
I listen to what he says
I pray he will be okay
I like when he hugs me
I am lover
by @robyneggs


I Am Butterfly

I am butterfly
I see pollen on a rose
I think fluttering thoughts
I hear God speaking
I feel sun, wind, and pollen
I am butterfly

I am wolf
I hope to be the leader of the pack
I dream about Indians, drums and smoke
I wish never to be tamed
I sense the moon
I am wolf

I am my own teacher
I will obey my own rules
I listen to God, the Dean of children
I pray He will teach me to teach
I like the options on the chalkboard
I am my own teacher
by @robyneggs


I Am Beautiful

I am beautiful
I see so in the mirror
I think not sometimes
I hear that I am from people
I feel beautiful
I am beautiful

I am fire
I hope for fuel
I dream to blaze forever
I wish to burn for God
I sense my purpose
I am fire

I am alive
I will live
I listen for my plan of life
I pray He’ll show me how to live
I like the life I was given
I am alive
by @robyneggs


I Am Connected

I am connected
I see my partner on the inside
I think about the outside
I hear my love
I feel their arms around me
I am connected

I am blown away
I hope they’ll recognize my love
I dream to tell them
I wish I could find the words
I sense their understanding
I am blown away

I am expressing it
I will tell them how I feel
I listen to their reaction
I pray for the right words
I like the comfort of the inside
I am expressing it
by @robyneggs


I Am Floating

I am floating free above the Earth
I see the bigger picture
I think and comprehend infinite space
I hear the waves bouncing back
I feel weightlessness surround me
I am floating free above the Earth

I am deep in the center of the Earth
I hope the flames only caress me
I dream about cool waters above
I wish I could climb away from the lava
I sense I am the core
I am deep in the center of the Earth

I am inside my body
I will stay for awhile
I listen to the bitch outside calling
I pray for some inner strength
I like the comfort of these walls
I am inside my body
by @robyneggs


Previous Collections:

Red and Gold Mind Rotter - Sick Vol 4
Love is Endless, Poor Soul - Sick Vol 3
I am Possessed, Blind, Trapped - Sick Vol 2
Possession of Your Darkness - Sick Vol 1

Other Poetry by Lady Robyn Eggs:
Clouds are Drifting - pic poem
Love - pic poem
Skins Ignite - poem
1000 Follower Tribute Ballad
Wind Do Blow

thank you_robyneggs_by_girlbeforemirror.jpg


Nice post along with same pic

I do graphic art from my own photography, yes. :-) Thank you. I appreciate all the love and support right now. XO

These are all superb! I especially love "Once I Went Walking". Great work :)

Wow! Thanks @tinajordan!!! <3 That is one of my favorites too, for sure. So glad you enjoyed this comiplation...I will be out with the next one soon! :-) Cheers~! Wishing you a lovely day! XO

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