"Queens Quelled" (a poem on the decentralized nature of nature)

in #poetry8 years ago

I share with many Steemit souls a love of decentralized systems. And I was inspired by a Steemit post to finally finish some lines on that topic. Thanking @sascha for your piece, A decentralized solidary group as an alternative to health insurances. Artabana. If you've also written on the topic of decentralization, please link your work in the comments.

"Queens Quelled"

Sun sears the Queen Palm
standing still, receiving rays,
lacing light into myriad molecules,
frond and fiber, food
she won't share with her lowest limbs
who droop, dragging,
arching down in abdication.

No manager moves her cells skyward,
leaving her lower leaves
to turn. Trees
arrange their own relinquishing,
and by consensus, not a captain,
descend, decentralized.

Development demands
the Queen Palm lack a queen.


I think you wrote the first ode to decentralization. Awesome.

Check out my "band of the day" posts if you're interested in hearing new music!

That's a wonderful compliment, thank you. And I will definitely check it out!

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