Life is a Story, A poem of @dianargenti

in #poetry8 years ago

Life is a Story


In every life there's a certain story,
In every story there's a certain lesson;
And in every lesson, there's a certain learnings.

In every drops of tears, there's always a reasons,
And in every reason, there's always a little lie;
In every lies, hides the truth behind.

In every lies, there's a truth,
And in every truth, there's a love in it;
In every love, there's someone a person involved.

In every someone is a special,
In every special there's a care;
And in every care, there's an emotion.

Life maybe a constant changed,
In every changed there's a step;
In every step, it must for better.


In every life, there must be fulfillment,
In every fulfillment, there must be satisfaction.
Every satisfaction, there's happiness.

Life is a choice,
Either you want to lead astray or go for good;
Life is short,
It's our choice, to live good or to live no good!

So many choices to choose,
Think first before you choose;
There's no regret that comes first,
It's always comes in the end.

Live life to fullest,
Live life with your beloved;
Don't do things that makes you regret.


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