3 College Limericks!! - The Daily Limerick #20

in #poetry7 years ago

Let's give it the ol' college try, shall we?

farmto table (2).jpg

Welcome to the #DailyLimerick, where daily, I share with you an original limerick. That's why it's called the #dailylimerick!

Today I'm responding to a topic request from @masterpiz, who is currently in the thick of the college experience. Good luck buddy! Don't be too disheartened by my cynicism. I actually went to a University myself, and as much as it pains me to admit it, I have a bachelor's degree in Fine Arts. Let's get to the limericks!

Brain Cells and Student Loans

I'm thinking a limerick a day (35).jpg

The Line

I'm thinking a limerick a day (36).jpg

Put it Off

I'm thinking a limerick a day (37).jpg


I may have a somewhat bitter and satirical view of college, but it was still an awesome time! And I guess I got edumacated...

As always, share a college limerick of your own for a chance at an SBD reward! Feel free to suggest a topic for tomorrow's #dailylimerick.


College Professors behinds?
I looked at them for a time.
But then I found out
when spring time comes out,
Yoga pants make me write rhymes!

You mean you actually have winter in the jungle?

Yeah, stretchy pants are the way to go. Belts strangle off your creative flow. :D

Hehehe! I went to the University of Wisconsin ;p

After a long winter, 40 degrees F is warm enough for shorts and a t-shirt!

All this money and time I spent.
I have this college degree and I still can't earn a cent.
I hope you like. All the best! Warm Wishes! Positive Energy! Great Karma! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

Thanks, @extraterrestrial!

I haven't worked professionally in my field for about 10 years. But I got that degree! ;)

All that stuff back at you! :D

A place where ure supposed to learn
But u feel trapped like it's a lion's den
The more you read
The less you know
Is college really a place to be?
Ask zuckerberg only he should know

Hold on, lemme ask him. He's tied up in my basement.

😁 😂

Thanks for sharing!

As a college student currently...the first one really speaks to my blur of a weekend lol.

Nothing's really changed... Life is still a blur, especially now with Steem! ;)
Thanks for your comment!

Bitterness and cynicism ftw!

I wrote several college limericks, but somehow all that would come out is that cynicism. It runs deep, I suppose, until my student loans are paid. Steem should help with that! :D

The real question is, which are our children more likely to inherit, our cynicism or our student debt?

Of those three things, the one I don't have is children. LOL

The ol'college song
We always sing along
While teachers wash our mind
We starring at behinds
Of pretty slender girls

My own twist!
Original poem by @chrisroberts

Yep, that's another fond memory of college. :) Thanks for reminding me.

Deep sad truth in most line.
If one can decipher!

I don't know if I could still suggest the theme for the next one

LOL, you got that right!

You can still suggest a theme for today. I didn't get one written yesterday; I'm still recovering from the flu. Bring it on!

Dark secrets

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