Invitación sugerente/ Suggestive Invitation

in #poem5 years ago (edited)

Image:Captain Seymour Approaching La Guayra - Venezuela, 1848 Watercolor

The loneliness settled in you without knocking on your door
invaded your world and took you by surprise
And today it is part of your reality
Installs in front of the TV, messes up the dinner schedule

I watch you in the street, entering your complaint a little
I disrespect your opinion, I break up your answer
I break memories, I shake your bad
looking for joy and love remove your grief

We live surrounded by friends who take time for assault
who reject any attempt at life in nostalgia
How to understand this time that has touched us?
How to live with it without hurting us?

Come to my house this time and let's have a party
Forget the pain a little, remove the sadness from your life
Call forgotten friends, accept this suggestion manual
Dig the sky if necessary for you to find your answer

La Soledad se instaló en ti sin llamar a tu puerta
invadió tu mundo y te tomó por sorpresa
Y hoy forma parte de tu realidad
Se instala frente a la tv, desordena el horario de la cena

Te observo en la calle, entiendo un poco tu queja
irrespeto tu opinión, desarreglo tu respuesta
quebranto recuerdos, sacudo tu mal
buscando que la alegría y el amor remuevan tu pena

Vivimos rodeados de amigos que toman al tiempo por asalto
que rechazan cualquier intento de vida en la nostalgia
¿Cómo entender este tiempo que nos ha tocado?
¿Cómo convivir con él sin que nos haga daño?

Ven a mi casa esta vez y hagamos una fiesta
Olvida un poco el dolor, desaloja de tu vida la tristeza
Llama a amigos olvidados, acepta este manual de sugerencias
Escarba el cielo si es preciso para que encuentres tu respuesta


This is very deep and inspiring! I can see that you just burst with creativity!

And congrats on winning the @mytunes weekly raffle!! I sponsored an SBI unit to the winner this week, and will be doing so for next week as well, so hope you participate then too!

Good luck and keep up this great writing!

thanks for your words and support!!

excelente poema mi amigo, seria agradable ir a esa fiesta con una guitarra saludos

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