There Are No Rules for the Decentralized Photographer

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Hey Steemians and People of the Decentralized Network,

Today I bring to you weird portraits and 'what was I thinking?' when I took that moments. For those of you who follow me, you know that I'm not your average photographer. I take pictures of people from around the world and I do not conform to the rules. I am your friendly 'Decentralized Photographer'

In my reality, there are no rules when it comes to photography

It's a good thing I never went to photo school because I would have been kicked out. I like to over-expose, use old crusty gear, mega-pixels suck, motion blur is beautiful, moire rocks and planning things out in advance suppress my creativity.

I am the ultimate MacGyver of photography. Give me a shitty situation and I'll create compelling images out of nothing. My lights aren't working, not a problem: siphon some gas from the car and set something on fire, "the orange glow from that flame will do...don't get too close to my model numb-nuts!"

Let's dive into the images I have chosen for today and I'll give the back story of each image (like always):

I had a shoot at the W Hotel in West Hollywood and my assistant forgot to bring the battery for triggers. But I was armed with a projector and a hotel lamp. This is what happened. The model likes red butterflies and she had painted one; so we projected the art onto her; a little bit of lamp light for rim and WAAAALAAAAA!


Who doesn't love a blown out highlight on the face with a beautiful model? Downtown LA looks amazing in this shot.


This is Chiara, an Italian actress. She was late for the sunset shoot so I decided some long exposures would work. I used a cell phone for the light on her face. This is one image taken at 25 seconds. I had her move into different poses and lit her with the phone. This is what happens. She loved it!


Setting a new standard in headshots for LA actors.


Remember the projector technique from earlier. Here's another one; I love this technique so much it's a reoccurring theme.


Projection in conjunction with flash. It works! And she's was a fun to work with as well...really got into the creative side of things because I think outside the box.


This portrait looks somewhat normal except that I included the gear in the shot. I like gear shots or what is often referred to as "setup shots."


This was pitch black when I shot this. But a long exposure using the full moon as a light source, combined with painting light during a 30 second exposure. It worked! My first time doing a portrait this way.

Decentralized Photography


Photo on the right. I said to my self, "Let me shoot through this piece of dirty plastic and see what happens"

A stand in model with a gun. Yes, we were playing with a gun found on set. The guy in the image is @zenithwombat and he was helping out by being my stand in. I was playing with light before shooting the actual subject. Some of the best moments are captured by totally fucking off.


This image is in here for no reason. It's a perfectly good shot.

Project on your amazing model. She won't mind.


Just cut off her head. It will be okay and she will love it.

Sometimes I get to shoot celebrities but they don't want to be seen. So have them pose like this.


I was using a beauty dish and managed to flag the light by accident so only a part of her is lit with the light. But I liked it so much I decided this one was better than the one where she was completely lit properly. Rock the mistake!

I love the contrast of properly lit and overexposed. It rocks.


Your image is boring? Mirror image it and saturate the fuck out of it. Presto!


Crumple up some paper, shine some lips on her. That's right...that's the way we roll.


Just blend that model in the landscape. No separation needed. It will be alright. (in post I made her butt look bigger in that tiny shadow)

Enjoy and get out and shoot some decentralized photography!


I love all of these. They're all great and full of personality. The one you said was "perfectly good" looks like she's farting a beam of light though the rock....and laughing about it. ;)

That my friend is an accurate interpretation

Very cool... i've got lots of those 'what was i thinking' photos! maybe i should share ;)

you should totally share. What's funny is some guy posted a picture of his cat with his cell phone and made $500 steem. These type posts make 0.75

That got my upvote!

Right..... we need a whale that’s truly interested in photography... it’s a shame really..

Maybe I should do more cat photography

Decentralized photography!!!!! Love it! I raise to that!!! Wonderful photography. Couldn't agree more with "In my reality, there are no rules when it comes to photography".... It probably goes as the only motivation which keeps me going with my own work. The freedom I feel when doing my thing is unmeasurable valuable to me. Thanks, yet again!!!!

There's a whole lot of bangers here. I'm so jelly! I say again you do Great work! I agree with you and @jasonrussel in that there needs to more attention on quality posts like this.

Again, beautiful images. Something very 'Mulholland Drive' about the shots with the projections over the model. Trying my hand at photography for the first time, following keenly to learn!

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