Do you make snow so happy as our cat?

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


Our cat as it turned out, very fond of snow! I did not know such a thing about her ... We have a lot of snow in the yard right now, already knee-high! And now the Knopka asks for the street and jumps for a long time and plays with snow. It seems that the snow makes her very happy.

Good luck and patience to you! Let even minor trifles make you happy!

Наша кошка как оказалось, очень любит снег! Я такого о ней вообще не подозревала... У нас сейчас очень много снега во дворе, аж по колено! И теперь Кнопка просится на улицу и подолгу прыгает и играет со снегом. Похоже, снег делает её очень счастливой.
Удачи и терпения вам! Пусть даже незначительные мелочи делают вас счастливыми!

Фотоаппарат Nikon Coolpix S2700.

Thank you for Your attention!

Follow me! @inna-yatsuk


How beautiful is Knopka in the snow :). What a penetrating look it has!

She has such a view of becoming a hunter. When she wants to catch something).

Knopka the great snow hunter :D.

This is her first winter, before that she did not see the snow. Therefore, everything for her is so interesting))).

So beautiful :)

Thank you.) I also think so)).

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Hahaha, funny forecast!

Knopka rules :)

Tests done by the Behavioral Department of the Musuem of Natural History conclude that while a dog's memory lasts about 5 minutes, a cat's recall can last as long as 16 hours.

black forest norwegian? that explains it

Очень приятное сообщение. Мне очень понравилось. Кормилица опять Вас кормит.

Ну куда без нее?))

А без нее ну просто ни как:)

Она красавица у вас😊

Наша суровая красоточка))) вреднуля она).

Cats have supersonic hearing

Kittens who are taken along on short, trouble-free car trips to town tend to make good passengers when they get older. They get used to the sounds and motions of traveling and make less connection between the car and the visits to the vet.

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