Going VR - How is video production going to evolve?

in #photography8 years ago

When we are filming a narrative we have a physical lens that we use to maintain the center of attention. It is a way that we have told stories for ages. It is tied to the point of view of the producer. This is changing now because there has been a paradigm shift to telling stories from the perspective of the audience member.

Enter The Early Favorites

I think the great stories of the future will be told increasingly from the audience members point of view. It is a personally relevant version of the story. The people who have leadership in this area have been behind some of the biggest games of all time. There billions of dollars worth of experience telling stories this way already in the market place. Companies like Steam could be the new content delivery platform for the "new media" market .

Most Can Experience It Now

For many of us the gate way to a VR experience is right in your pocket. Your phone with a "Google Cardboard" type headset. Many which work pretty well are available cheaply. It is a pretty positive experience but has it's limits on older phones. You can even play your PC game titles with one.

Again Focus

So how do we tell our stories with their linear narrative in a virtual space. How do we maintain the stage of the show? In video games all sorts of things come to play with the set and setting of the location. Is also maintained by the AI in some cases as something called an NPC. So the special effects of the future will half to help us establish the consensus of the crowd. Once again we will have to stage environments like a Shakespeare play. They will have to be bigger than life and just as full of stimulus. It is up to story tellers to be cunning with their version of what is going on.

Surely there will be explosive moments where fancy 3d movement takes the stage, but how do you keep someone engaged in the more subtle of ways? How do we show those moments that in our heroic tales lead us to the path of victory? Because it is just that, a path, from the perspective of the few? We need to democratize the experience. We need this to stay immersed and perhaps even more so to suspend disbelief. In the future are we going to have some real cybernetic experience of our media?


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