My ekspresion "like original or crispy"

in #photography7 years ago

Selamat sore steemit.

JJS yuks 👣👣👣
Jalan jalan sore mksudnya..

Sore itu aku sengaja jalan agar berkeringat membuang lemak di perut.
Alhasil ..
Perut ramping betis besar.
😃😃 bercanda juga kali..

Selangkah demi selangkah berjalan menikmati pemandangan pohon rindang dengan niatan agar cepat sampai pada tujuan,.
Yaitu LAPANGAN SEMPUR, hhehe...

Sesampai disana istrahat sejenak dan mencari tukang kopi keliling,.
Memililih antara original or crispy (kopi hitam atau kopi susu).
Dan yups aku pilih original (kopi hitam).
Nikmatnya legukan pertama di temani pemandangan yang indah di depan mata.

Kopi pun habis saat nya jalan kembali mencari view yang enak untuk mengambil foto,
Dan fotonya di sini aja lah..

Ekspresi aku nya power full karena sudah meminum kopi hitam ku..

Original or crispy..
Aku memilih original dan kalian.....?
Karena selera masing berbeda.

Sampai disini ya steemit.
Salam hangat dari aku @diananggraeni
Selalu ceria
Semangat 💪💪💪

Terima kasih
Salam #satujiwa


Good afternoon steemit.

JJS yuks 👣👣👣
Road way afternoon..

That afternoon I accidentally way to sweat away fat in the abdomen.
In the end..
Big lean belly calves😃😃
joking also times..

Step by step enjoy the view of shade trees with the intention to quickly get to the destination, that is FIELD SEMPUR,
hhehe ...

Arriving there for a moment and searching for a coffee craftsman.
Selects between original or crispy (black coffee or coffee milk ).
And yups I choose original (black coffee). Delightful first leg in the beautiful scenery accompanied by the eyes.

The coffee runs out when his way back to find a good view to take photos, And the picture here.

My expression is full power because it was drinking my black coffee ..
Hhehe ..

Original or crispy ..
I chose the original and you .. ...?
Because their tastes are different.

See you next time steemit.
Warm greetings from me @diananggraeni Always cheerful..
Spirit 💪💪💪

Thank you
Salam #oneseol

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