happiness in simple things

in #photography6 years ago

happiness in simple things,

and not in the smoke from cigarettes.

wake up early in the morning,

not counting the years gone by.

to fall asleep already in a warm bed,

already with someone,

but not with anyone.

happiness is not in the amount of wages,

but in the warmth of shaken hands.

счастье в простых вещах,
а не в дыме от сигарет.
просыпаться рано утром,
не считая прожитых лет.
засыпать уже в теплой кровати,
уже с кем-то,
но не с кем-нибудь.
счастье не в размере зарплаты,
а в тепле пожимаемых рук. 


Nice photos, good message as well : )

You are sooOoooO cute sis :) 😍

Cute selfy!!📷
I really love the colors! Love this moments!!

many thanks!

Nice photos! Have a great time today! 🙃

very beautiful and sexy, ... success is always for you:)

many thanks!!

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