6 Facts confirm that your cat is a "predatory monster"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #photo7 years ago


You do not know that the meow is not very different from the lion's lion, and although the domestic cats are good animals, they have not yet spent enough time to get used to humans , Where she carries many similar qualities with her cousins, from wild cats

Your spoiled cat loves meat a lotfree-1609613128598295378.jpeg

Millions of years ago, the ancestors of the nymphs, or the cataclysms, used to feed on meat, becoming the main food for all cats from your domestic cat spoiled to giant tigers, where they need large quantities of animal protein, because most plant proteins lack some essential amino acids to cats, Calturine. Because of their basic need for meat, your home cat does not have the ability to taste sugars at all, because its taste buds have been adapted to suit its main meal of meat.

20 Jenna only separates domestic cats from wild cats


The domestic cats did not spend enough time with humans, separated to form their distinctive species for nearly 10,000 years, so unlike dogs that have killed humans for more than 30,000 years, they can only be considered as bad, Over the past few years, no more than 20 genes separated wild cats from our spoiled friend. Black and domestic cats, the only nymphs living in groups

Most kittens live alone. For example, a female leopard goes on a single hunt, as do males, but domestic cats exhibit different behavior. Females are the most social, while males prefer isolation. Great and fishing together. Her wide eyes that fascinate you are her unique hunting weapon


Most wild cats, especially small ones, have wide eyes that help them infiltrate at night and hunt prey. This is exactly what cat cats have in their home. Their eyes are about the size of human eyes. They have a more sensitive retina 6 times than the human retina. Reflective light increases its skill in hunting at night, which gives it the green color you see in the eyes of your cat spoiled in the dark. When she plays she follows her predatory sense


If you leave your little cat without giving him a morning meal, his activity during playing the wool pulley will increase, due to the simple reason that the domestic cats were first tamed by the farmers to catch mice and other rodents, where they reward them for protecting their crop, Of food. Although most of the time we do not encourage cats to behave, they are still preserved in nature, which is confirmed by their use of strong claws and their teeth at play


Hello friends . Where is ur votes

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