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RE: Cartesian Dualism vs Physicalism

in #philosophy8 years ago

The problem I have with proposing a non-physical substance is that such substance must still have physical properties in order to retain relevance in connection to physical substances. To assert that I am a non-physical mind or soul, interacting with other non-physical minds or souls through the physical world I must maintain that my perceptions are causally altered by physical reality, and that physical reality is causally altered by my volition. If either of these is false, then interaction is impossible, but if the non-physical is subject to causality just as the physical is, what separates it as a distinct substance?


I agree with you wholeheartedly, although I do think that there are proponents of the idea that the immaterial and material could converse/interact without having to be the same, or in connection. Occasionalism would be the closest idea to that view. I don't like what Occasionalists propose, but if you want to dig deeper into this subject that's definitely the place to look :)

I'm glad that my article got you thinking and thanks for leaving a comment!

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