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RE: Losing influence and gaining control

in #philosophy5 years ago

No I don’t want to control anyone I’m a bad influence! 🤣

(Additionally I get actively pissed off at anyone trying to control people that don’t want to be controlled)

I don’t think I’m self reflective enough to tell you what my greatest influence was either 😅 it was probably me in the end as I’ve dropped all the wrong things and made all the wrong decisions to focus on the wrong thing 🤣

Posted using Partiko iOS


No I don’t want to control anyone I’m a bad influence!

Do tell more.

I don’t think I’m self reflective enough to tell you what my greatest influence was either

I self-reflect too much to know that I am a mess ;D

I’m the one telling people to think for themselves and not follow rules/orders if they don’t make sense or feel off and giving them ideas on how to follow the dreams that everyone else is telling them in no uncertain terms to just give up on because they won’t work 😅

(And if I know I also tell them how freaking hard it can be and that there’s a chance it might not work out but how badly do they want to try because I suck as a life guru just believe in yourself and manifest it type)

Nothing particularly exciting 😝 I’m just a bad influence because the parents of these poor kids just want them to have nice safe jobs and nice safe predictable lives.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I’m the one telling people to think for themselves and not follow rules/orders if they don’t make sense or feel off and giving them ideas on how to follow the dreams that everyone else is telling them in no uncertain terms to just give up on because they won’t work

While never violent, I have always been a rebel against authority in various ways. It has taught me a lot about conformity :)

nice safe jobs and nice safe predictable lives.

They are in for a nasty future I think.

Have you rebelled against the rebels? I still have this atrocious habit of devil advocating everything to everyone (though I don't actually do it outside of my head much these days out of sheer laziness) so everyone hates me equally XD

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